Avengers... meet DnD...

Apr 28, 2012 23:21

I've been playing Neverwinter Nights campaigns. There are basically Dungeon and Dragon campaigns turned into computer games. It's taking over my brain...

So, I'm contemplating what alignment and classes the Avenger characters would be.

Here we go...

Thor: Lawful Good Paladin. That one is easy. He's a boy scout type character, and mostly a warrior. But, he does have magical abilities, and he's such a lawful good character, I can see him in a Paladin class.

Iron Man: Chaotic Good Warrior. I see his suit as a weapon, and it's way too flashy for him to be able to sneak around. As for Chaotic Good... Do you see Tony following the law to the letter?

Hulk: Neutral Barbarian. Mostly because he's 99% brawn, 1% brain. So, he doesn't have the actual mental capabilities for an actual alignment... Hulk smash!!

Black Widow: Neutral Rogue. I don't see her as particularly chaotic or lawful. She can sneak around, steal things, kill you in your sleep... Yet, she kicks ass when confronted with a mob!

Captain America: Another easy one. Lawful Good Warrior. The fact he has not magical type abilities is the only reason he isn't a Paladin.

Bruce Banner (Yes, they're separate. After all, the Hulk can't access most of Bruce's memories and intellect currently in the movie verse): Lawful Good cleric. He's too brainy to not be a scholar type class. As the opposite side of the coin, as it were, I can see Bruce following the letter of the law until he gets pissed enough to become the Hulk... Then it doesn't matter.

Nick Fury: Chaotic Good Warrior. He does what needs to be done, and uses whatever weapon he needs to do it to keep the good guys going...

Loki: Chaotic Neutral Twilight Blade. A Twilight Blade is a prestige class. Basically, a rogue with spellcasting capabilities. He can sneak up on people to stab them in the back or pick their pocket. He can use magic to confuse his adversaries... I thought a lot about this one... As for his alignment... I'm being influenced by the comics. He's able to help the good guys in one instance. Then, the next time you meet him, he's helping the bad guys. He is, after all, a Chaos god...

Hawkeye: Chaotic Neutral Ranger. Rangers are awesome with a bow... Enough said. As for alignment... "A chaotic neutral character is an individualist, resents restrictions, and challenges tradition. He does not intentionally promote anarchy". That, to me, describes Hawkeye to a tee...

Agent Coulson: Lawful Neutral Bard. He follows the rules. But, since he works for a clandestine agency, he probably has to do bad things sometimes... As for the bard... Definition: "Bards often serve as negotiators, messengers, scouts, and spies." I can see him as a negotiator, messenger, and as a scout.. Who knows, he may be a spy as well!

Agree? Disagree? Discuss!

Information on alignment and class from NWNWiki and D&DWiki.

gaming, avengers

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