Skyrim mini-rant... Bit of an icky thought...

Feb 06, 2012 13:29

I'm wandering around Skyrim, taking pictures of the pretty landscape, exploring...

Basically, I'm playing tourist.

But, it got me to a keep. Run by a necromancer.

It reminded me why I despise necromancers. Not because they raise the dead. Not because they do experiments of the unnatural sort.

They are awful decorators. And, they don't put their toys away.

Why do they always have to live with piles of body parts lying around? Hmmm? You don't decorate with skulls and rib cages! It's just not done!

As for the toys. Okay, I understand you need bodies to animate. That's how you get your jollies. I get that.

But, can't you put them away in a side room? Peferably a really cold room? Or, is a requirement of being a necromancer is you can't smell the rotting flesh strewn across the floor?

Wouldn't it be better to have none of that in the open? Then, when the unsuspecting traveller or curious townsperson wanders in, they don't know that there are necromancers there?

"Oh, hi! I didn't hear you come in... Say... You look pretty fit for your age. Would you mind dying so I can use your rapidly cooling corpse in my next experiment? Thanks!"

Instead, there's a skeleton on a pole in the entrance, and blood and body parts strewn around.

Way to make a girl feel welcome!


gaming, skyrim

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