30 Days Meme - Days 24 though 30

Aug 23, 2010 14:16

Yeah... I'm still trying to finish this.

You know what... Let's just get it all over with in this one post. I want to complete the darn thing!

Best quote

This one is what has made me sputter to an almost stop... There are so many good quotes, and I have to choose just one!

But, I'm going to go with Ithildyn's suggestion:

"I appear to have a future as a sobering influence on the disenfranchised." LaCroix, Ashes to Ashes, Forever Knight

What's really funny, when I went looking to make sure the quote was correct, Ith's lj was the first in the search. :)

A show you plan on watching (old or new)

I was going to say Big Bang Theory.

But, we started watching it on DVD a week or so before I originally got to this date in my list.

So, that's out. Awesome show btw... Great banter, lovely bits about geekdom. It makes Ith want to play XBox games. Booya!

For this item, I'm going to have go with two possibilities. Royal Pains or Eureka. Both look interesting, but I haven't had time to watch them. They were both on originally when other shows took up my time.

So, I have the first season of both of these on my list of 'DVDs to buy when they go on massive sale'.

OMG WTF? Season finale

There a few of these to choose from. And, all are series finales! Blake's 7 and Forever Knight were both forerunners.

But, the winner? Life.

Yes, I already mentioned that in Day 22, but it's still the most shocking to me...

As a whole, Life was a great series, but that scene... Woah!

Best pilot episode

I'm going with Firefly, The Train Job. Yes, it wasn't the official pilot of the series, but it was the one that Fox showed first, and it was that episode that got me hooked.

The whole episode is just awesome, as I've already mention in Day 9. The link also has a youtube clip of why I love that episode.

I remember turning to Ith and saying that we had to watch this series after seeing that episode.

First tv show obsession

Forever Knight.

I got into this show way back when it was on the air. And, I still love this show. FORKNI-L was the first ever email list I joined, back when email lists were only through college servers and there was a limit on how many posts and how much bandwidth each list could have.

Yes, I'm dating myself here...

I've read and written fanfiction about it. I've gone to conventions for it. I've had long, long, long discussions about it.

Current tv show obsession

I have to choose one? I mean, there's Psych, Burn Notice, Castle, How I Met Your Mother, Leverage, White Collar...

I like all of them, and you can't make me choose. So there!

Saddest character death

And, the final entry. Saddest character death ever would be on MASH. The episode where Henry Blake dies makes me cry every time. I used to watch the reruns of MASH on tv over and over again. Everytime the episode he dies in comes on, I start tearing up in the first few minutes. It's a great episode. Full of the usual antics of the 4077.

Then, when Radar comes in, the surgeons yell at him to put on a mask, and he tells everyone of Blake's death. OMG!

Now, back to post-apocalyptic Washington DC... (Playing Fallout 3)

30 days, meme

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