Finished... Well... Technically...

Mar 28, 2010 19:51

So, after 54 hours of play, I've beaten the plot portion of Final Fantasy XIII.

So, technically, I'm done with the game.

Why technically? Well, beating the game gives you an expansion on the engine you level up in the game.

After the credits, you can save the game and keep playing from the last save point right before the big bad...

So, I did, then went exploring...

Side Quest time!!

I'm off exploring the world, and killing things.

Man, first time around, it was tough, now, I kick arse!

Side note: I just have to say, I love the perspectives in this game... The giant tortoise class in this game? They're not just a few feet taller than the party, they're stories taller... Awesome!

Oh, I sometimes despise Square Enix... You're happily going along, killing things... They all have a few hundred thousand hit points.

Then, you get to a boss... and it has 5.8 million hit points.

5.8 million!!!!!!!


And, I haven't even gotten to the 'toughest' bad guy yet... The company has a habit of making the toughest baddie be an optional battle.

I'm so looking forward to that!!! not.

ff13, gaming

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