My Parent's Romance...

Jul 25, 2009 22:43

Just some reminisces...

My father knew on the first date that he wanted to marry my mom. But, he didn't want to scare her off. So, he waited a week.

Their first date? My dad said they were going to a restaurant named Mickey D's. So, my mother dressed up, all pretty like. And, when the motorcycle stopped in the McDonald's parking lot, she started to walk away. Dad convinced her to give him a shot anyway.

My father proposed to my mother on a beach in Florida. He stated he couldn't afford a diamond, so he used the pull tab off his soda (As he told me. Now that I think of it, my father was more likely to be drinking a beer). My mom finally got her diamond ring. For her 10th wedding anniversary. She picked it out and told him to buy that one.

They'll be married 35 years this September.

My parents and I, when I was between one to three years of age (Since my brother isn't in the photo):

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