It's that time of year!

Nov 22, 2008 00:10

So, it's time for me to start my holiday food preparations...

I make Chex Mix and "Ms April's Boozie Balls".

Now, the Chex Mix, which yes, I add my own twist, I can figure out everything for myself...

But, the Boozie Balls...

They require Vanilla Wafers. I have an unopened box that I bought last year... There is not expiration date printed on it. Is it still good? Or should I just buy more wafers?

To understand this, you must understand that boozie balls (aka rum balls, just with whatever liqueur I have hanging around) are made up of only a few dry ingredients. Of which, vanilla wafers are a major part of.

So, should I just toss the current wafers and get new? Or, hope for the best?



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