Convo at the apartment...

Jun 28, 2008 00:44

A conversation that has been brewing tonight at Casa-de-Ninith between Ithildyn and I...

Ith: Tony/Tardis slash.

Nin: shut up

Ith: Tony would really love the Tardis. He'd want to see what makes it tick and give it love and...

Nin: Shut up.

Ith: Jardis would be jealous.


Then, she went off to bed, but decided to leave her room and come back to the living room, and the computer, to add:

Ith: Pepper and Martha comparing notes.

Nin: shut up!

Yes, I'm off to see if I can't write it. Stupid wench! I'm the fanpire overlord! I shouldn't be exposed to this! [pout]

I got her to watch the movie, she's fanpire'd massive amounts of people into the fandom... ergo, I'm a fanpire overload [insert maniacal, evil laughter (Can you have non-evil maniacal laughter? Sickly sweet, cute maniacal laughter, maybe?)]

I don't have much yet, except Tony yelling at the Doctor for his maintenance practices...

dr who, iron man, fic

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