You Know...

Feb 14, 2008 01:36

You know you're a fan of Enchanted when you do hand movements while singing along with the soundtrack.

Yes, I'm doing them!

Even though, I like the movie version of this song than the soundtrack version. Patrick Dempsey's comments just make it 'pop'.

Happy Valentine's Day!

What are you doing for V-Day?

Me, I'm watching action movies (I have 300 and xXx on my list...) and drinking some nice whiskey (I still have about two shots worth of Johnny Walker Blue left from a gift set a friend gave me...)

Yes, I celebrate V-Day by being anti-Valentine's day... I watch action movies and drink expensive hard alcohol. (I'm going to have to find some new "good stuff" for next year, since this is the last year I can make what I have work...)

BTW: I always think of venereal disease when I see 'V-Day'... That, or WWII..

OK, I'll stop spamming my f-list now :)

I'm just glad that I'm off for today and tomorrow, and I don't have to work seven days in a row for at least the rest of the month... I just finished my second seven day stretch today... Worked seven days on, got two days off, worked seven days on, now on my two days off... Then, back to semi-normal schedule.

I'm going to scream at my manager the next time he does the 'seven on-two off' thing... Usually, if we get seven on, we get four off after-wards.

Then again, it's a very busy time of year, so I'm getting massive overtime because I'm a sucker... I just can't leave work if they're busy. I just feel too guilty. But, I know exactly how much over-time I can have in a work week before it hurts my paycheck (10 hours), since a co-worker discovered it by accident. So, I'll never get over that limit. (After 10 hours overtime, we end up paying so much taxes, our paychecks are actually smaller than if we worked a normal 40 hour work-week). I'm doing about 20 minutes to 2 hours over-time a day at the moment... Pretty checks! Pretty money! Means I can spend more! [weg]

music, work stuff, movies, drinking

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