TW fic: Before the Fall (Jack/Ianto, adult)

Oct 07, 2009 09:40

Title: Before the Fall
Word count: ~23,000
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen, Lois. Cameo by the Doctor and a few OCs.
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit.
Rating: Adult (NC-17) for sex. Twice!
Warnings: PLOT. Lots of it. Underage sex, with one party being 16 and the other waaaay older. Angst. Implied future character death (sort of...).

Note: This is a post CoE curtains!fic that follows my fix-it fic Get Your Bearings, which you should read before this one if you want to know how things got to where they are.

Summary: When Ianto goes missing under suspicious circumstances, Jack discovers that the path to finding him goes through his lover’s mysterious past. The truths he uncovers, however, may end up destroying both of them. (Dramatic, eh?) Takes place a few months after Get Your Bearings.

Thanks: Phew. Can’t believe this is finally done. It only took forever. I had to do serious revisions following CoE in addition to writing a fix-it prequel so that this story won’t turn into an AU. andreth47 did the original beta on this story, and did it brilliantly. Without her encouraging comments I’m not sure I would have bothered looking at it after CoE. The revised version was edited by the awesome nanfreak , and her beta-fu made this story way better than it used to be.

( Before the Fall )


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