Challenge entry: Ianto 2.0

Jul 20, 2009 16:16

Ianto’s body lay serenely on the floor while Jack and Gwen sat, heartbroken, next to him. Barely conjuring the effort to move they clung to each other for support. Rocking back and forth, it could have been hours before either moved and that was only when Jack jerked as an idea came to him. Gwen watched, confused, as he carefully lifted Ianto’s stopwatch from the pocket in which it lay. Reverently, he lay it on the palm of his hand and slowly opened it. Nothing happened. No golden light and no gasps of life, only a light-hearted chuckle in the distance.

“You didn’t really think I’d be a Timelord did you, Jack?” Both of them jumped as a very much alive Ianto watched them from the doorway.

“Ianto, but you’re...”

“Dead, yes I can see that. It’s a shame really, I’d been working on that clone for ages.”


“Yes. Unlike you Jack I’m not invincible, and I’m certainly not going to wander woefully under-armed and unprotected into a room with aliens known to have the power to release airborne viruses. So I sent in my clone.”

“Clone?” Ianto couldn’t help but roll his eyes at their disbelieving faces.

“I’ve been working on a clone for quite some time now, using some alien tech that came through the rift a few years ago. He was originally meant for...other...purposes, but I felt the time was necessary for his unleashing. And he worked wonderfully, don’t you think?”

“You’re alive!”

Information finally processed, Jack leapt to his feet and enveloped Ianto in a huge hug. He could hardly believe what was happening and had every intention of making sure Ianto was very much alive in various ways, some of which he himself had invented during the sex-drought of 4365. As if reading his mind Ianto stepped away, and hugged Gwen before they got too distracted. As he stepped back he hefted the huge gun in his arms and smiled in a way that made Jack’s stomach do funny things.

“By the way, this is my huge motherfucking gun. Do you like her? While you were shouting at the 456 and then grieving, beautifully I might add, I was thinking of a way to destroy these aliens. However, it seemed the only way to do that would mean sacrificing a child, and there is absolutely no way we’re doing that. So to plan B.”

“And that would be to shoot them?”

“One point to the Captain.”

“I love the way you think.”

*             *             *

Heavily armed and ready to take on the 456, the three of them approached the lift to Floor 13, pulling on gas masks as they went. The few people that were around scattered as they approached, not even questioning why they wanted entry.

Just as the lift doors pinged open Jack grabbed Ianto’s arm.

“About what you...your clone said...”

“We’ll talk about it later, we’ve got aliens to kill and Rhys has promised us a slap-up meal when we get back.”

“Not sure we’ll have time for food.”

“With all your worldly wisdom I’d have thought you’d have worked out how to combine food and sex by now, Jack.”

“Well, I have this idea about beans.” Ianto just raised his eyebrow as Gwen spluttered in the background while pretending she wasn’t eavesdropping.

“You can tell me all about it later.”

Marching into the room in their new ‘usual formation’ the three of them faced the aliens without a hint of mercy in their eyes.

The alien itself started thrashing and vomiting when it saw them, causing Gwen to jump back a little but they stood firm and waited for it to finish.

“Are you done? Thank you. Now I suggest you return home.”

“The children.”

“Are being returned home as we speak.”

“What?” Jack and Gwen looked at Ianto perplexed.

“While you were nobly sobbing over my body I took the liberty of threatening the Prime Minister and the other politicians in the room until they agreed to send the children home without their ‘inoculations’. I have a lot of blackmail material stored away for times just like these. And that, combined with the footage that Lois recorded, meant they were practically falling over themselves to comply.”

“There’s more blackmail material?”

“Well how else do you think I keep up good relations with the government?”

“Erm, you two? Aliens.”

“Ah yes, now I really suggest you return home right away.”

“Guns are no use, we have proven ourselves against your weapons.”

“Actually you’ve just proven how good our bulletproof glass is. And these aren’t for the glass.”

Without hesitation, Ianto opened fire on the pipes that fed the poisonous gas into the glass room. The alien began screaming as its atmosphere leaked out and it was exposed to air. Flinging open the door to the room, gas mask abandoned on the floor, Jack pointed his trusty Webley at the 456.

“This is for killing Ianto!” he fired until all his bullets were expended, before falling to his knees.

“That was very noble of you sir, but couldn’t you have worn the gas mask until all of the gas had been filtered out?”

“Hey, I had to look good while avenging your death.” The smile Ianto graced him with was enough to leave him with a grin on his face as he died. When he awoke in Ianto’s arms, the smile was still there.

“So what were you going to do with that clone?”

“Make your wildest dreams come true.”

fic, teaboy challenge 1, children of earth

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