I've found lots of things that just made me go, "WTF."
And to make you all suffer, here they are (the last one is a video and it takes the cake, I believe).
First, here's butter.
Lots and lots of butter.
...And then
even more.
Yeah, that's actually more "OMFG" rather than "WTF."
This one shares a similiar fate,
teetering on the line. (PS. My beloved Simpsons! T__T)
And I guess I lied. The next two are actually videos. The first took away 30 minutes of my life that I will never get back. And I'm upset for that.
Greatly upset.
Even I wouldn't do something like that. That's just poor.
The next takes place in the magical land of Hyrule.
Only on crack.
My soul has died this day.