Feb 07, 2005 13:07
Ok, I wanted to write abut this for awhile, but for some odd reason I got more concerned about all that other stuff first. *shrugs*
Ok well, a few days ago, I was riding the city bus to school and listening to my Korn CD, when I looked out the window and saw a puppy. It was kind of tan/brown I suppose, but I laughed and watched it for awhile. As we passed the complex the puppy was in front of, my eyes were drawn to this small space in between the buildings. There was a box, and sitting on the box was a boy...
Now, that's not weird, I know, but the boy looked like someone that everyone who reads this journal knows about, Kiba from Naruto!
Now, I'm sure it was just because I gave him barely a passing glance, but what I did see, was that he was wearing a greenish hoodie and it looked kind of fluffy arouns the edges, probably just freyed. But, he also had on these khaki pants and so kind of at a glance I was like, "OMG, was that some kinda Kiba cosplayer?"
And, funny as it is, it didn't help that the little dog kept running around him. I was thinking about ti all day and it just amused me to no end. I kept thinking, "I wonder what the deal was with that kid? That was a pretty funno conicidence."
I don't think anything of it, I haven't seen the boy since, I have seen the dog, but not the boy. It had the be the funniest thing that's happened to me all year.
Oh well, it doesn;t realy matter, I just figured it'd give some of my friends a good laugh. X3
Now for today's news
Ok, so my neck still hurts, and it doesn't help that I've been huged a hundred times. --;
I know the people were only worried about me, but I still wish they would get off when I said ow the first time rather than holding me there and asking me what's wrong. Or even worse, they ask me what's wrong and when I tell them my neck and shoulders hurt they hug me!
As for my bodily health, it not improved at all... --;
I mean, I take a freekin cup FULL of vitamins, but it doesn't seem to replenish anything... I wish things were like a video games and the effects of stuff like that were instant. *sigh*
But it's ok, no biggie. I'll get better, and if not, I'll go to the doctor and maybe they'll make me better this time. ^^;
Ai's small ranting section
Heh, nope, no rants for today, I'm really happy! *jumps around, only to be stopped by her aching neck*
Hanyuu..... Ok, well, I may not be able to show it, but I am really happy! ^^
*Scribbles a little happy Ai-kun drawing*
See? ^^