
Oct 21, 2005 14:34

Sweet Jesus. I ate way too much at the potluck. I don't know why, but my food cravings seem out of control lately. I can't seem to eliminate my sweet tooth cravings. I hope I can get home early enough this evening so I can work out - finish up my last set of weights, 3 more sets of sit-ups and hopefully 20 minutes of cardio. I told Aart's friend Christina that I would attend a "sex toy" party her friend is hosting. Unfortunately, Aarti can't make it since she forgot that another friend of hers promised to make her a be-lated birthday dinner tonight.

Zac is sick with a cold :-( He decided to call in sick for his clinic shift too and I hope he doesn't get in too much trouble with his supervisor.

I'm checking out another condo tomorrow afternoon. Although that condo was just recently listed there has been an offer already made! That was fucking quick! I have a good feeling about it though - it's only 2.5 miles from where we currently live and it has hardwood floors, new appliances, among other neat things.

I saw the doctor this morning concerning this two-month long chronic cough and it was a total waste of my time and $15. Basically, the doctor told me almost exactly what the naturopathic doctor told me 3 weeks ago. I just want my cough to go away and I want to be able to hear normally out of both ears. Is that so hard to ask for?
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