Dec 01, 2007 00:38

Recently when I've been bored at work/school, I've been brain storming ideas for rpg characters.

d20 Star Wars: I got an idea for a guy who, at level five, can get five attacks per round with an attack bonus of +1. This involves dual-wielding and multifire. Interesting note: if hit by a bolt from a blaster set to stun, even if the defender makes thier fort save, they are still down for one round. So if the blaster in my off-hand is set to stun, my following attacks only need to hit an AC of ten since armor isn't really common in these games.

DnD 3.5: Exotic weapon master(prestige class from Masters of the Wild). Only five levels to this class, at which point you are not only proficient with all exotic weapons but also have weapon focus and weapon specialization with any one you pick up. You can also make your own weapons out of anything that's around with an hour of work. The base damage is 1d6 at first, 2d6 at level 5. A coworker pointed out to me that 2d6 wouldn't be all that great especially since I would be a minimum of character lvl 11 to get it. I thought for a while and then realized where the power of the character lay. The book reminds us to keep in mind all the bonuses weapon design can give: long weapons having reach, weapons with multiple prongs having a disarm bonus, et cetera. Also, by 11th lvl, I'd have quite a few feats. My main weapon would be based on a pitch fork with two prongs normal and the other one or two bent at a ninety degree angle(for trip attacks). The grip will be made so it can be used either one or two-handed. Here's the numbers: For Disarming opponents, I'd get +11 for base attack, +2 for pronged weapon, +4 for improved disarm feat, +4 for using a two-handed weapon. That's +21 to my roll before adding my STR bonus, which would be X1.5 because of a two-handed weapon. I definitely would have Power Attack a s well but the other feats would depend on what info I can get on the campaign before hand.

ShadowRun 3rd Ed.: I made a character a while back but the game never happened. Still, I tweak the character from time to time as new ideas come to me. Original, the character had two sets of camouflage armor suits. One day I was looking through the Cannon Companion and thought of something awesome: Rapid Transit Jumpsuit(think Kouriers from Snow Crash) has the ability to change between ten colors/paterns, so I though "Why not Camo patterns"? That way I can wear something relatively inconspicuous that can be changed to any camo pattern I want(urban, woodland, winter woodland). The only downside is that it has very low ballistic armor, though great impact armor(good since my character is more of an up-close fighter). Next page in the book solves my problem; form fitting armor(basically if UnderArmor could stop a bullet). It has a high ballistic rating but low impact and doesn't count towards some of the penalties for layering armor. I also found in the book that if I am wearing appropriate camo, target numbers to hit me are at +2 when I'm moving. There's a lot of little bonuses like that that I've found and if I ever get to play the game, I'm going to try like hell to use them as much as possible and combine then when I can.
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