Life is like a game. You have to work hard and triumph over the challenges and obstacles that are thrown at you in order to win. Like any other game, life is sometimes unfair or hard where the challenges seem overwhelming where the window for victory becomes dim. Like any other game, victories or success in life doesn’t usually come into your reach
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ur right, life IS a game. its a game, i guess, some ppl find easy while the rest find it hard. but u know what? You only start losing this game when u start losing hope. even when things are looking shit bad, believe in urself, keep the faith and i'll betcha ur gonna come out of that situation a lot stronger. your absolutely right when u say that life is unfair and hard...but u kno, it would be pathetically boring if life were full of rainbows, roses and happy fairies. everyone has to go through rough times (unless u wanna be sum Royal Pansy :p) and these hardships only serve to make u tougher. now, i dont kno what the future has got in hold for anyone of us..but im pretty sure the ride's only gonna be getting bumpier from here on in. things we learn now, will help us get past what life's got in store for us in the future.
there is a purpose in life..there is a reason for which u've been put on this earth. That window of oppurtunity may seem like its disappearing, but believe in urself and u can accomplish the impossible. Nothing is ever completely lost. nothing is ever impossible. the only thing that limits u, is urself. the only thing u gotta overcome is ur own doubts and fears. most of all, have faith in the Man upstairs. He's not gonna abandon you, He'll be there every step of the way. all u gotta do is look for Him.
ur not losing this game. it has only begun. there are ways to go and ur gonna pull through. u've been dealt a sharp blow? well, prepare yourself for many more..thats just the way life is. not pretty. No one ever judges u by how hard you fall...its how fast u rise up again that counts.
your right, u've gotta take a moment...relax..dont let stress get to u. take a break, regroup and then give it all u got. no use hitting urself over whats already happened, its over, think abt the future and the things that u need to change. And dont ever leave room for failure in life, its not an option. Its either u win or..u win. ell man, ur a tough guy, u've got what it takes to pull through this temporary...inconvenience. Dont let it get u down. u've come a long way, dont let go now.
"What ever dosnt kill you, only makes u stronger"
keep on truckin' soldier,
peace out amigo
You're right man! Life can be a pain in the ass and sissies are the one's that give up. Even Mr. Chris wouldn't even give up in my situation so why should I! The MAN above is always there's a definite moral boost you know :)
You're is gonna get bumpier here and there ....and that how fast you get up is what counts....we gotta win win win in this life because losing is not an option right. Who'd like to lose?
Don't worry man....I just went through some emotional outburst and after some thinking and some positive activities that made me more optimistic....I've come to realization that hey...shit happens in life and one should NEVER give up. To give up is to live life with regrets and no one likes that now do they? hehe...take it easy amigo and thx for that comment
i WISH..but nope, LOL maybe sumtime in the future.
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