May 09, 2005 11:13
Had an interesting weekend.
Friday night, Tray and I went out and played some midnight frisbee in the empty Sam's Club parking lot near by. On the way there, this really fat guy in a Wal-Mart vest was eying us as he swept up the trash in the parking lot of the Wal-mart next door. He stopped us and was jabbering on about how it was after curfew and little high school students shouldn't be out this late. Somehow the fact that I have a beard didn't faze this guy's assumption that I was 16, so I explained to him that I'm just a couple days away from being 20 and that he sucks at making assumptions of people's ages because Tray is only 11. Even with all this new information presented to him, he still yammered on about how we were too young to be out and that the police would come pick us up, so we should get home and study for school like good little kids. I started to go for my ID so I could show this guy that I am in fact of age and that I have a permit for the dangerous frisbee that I was carrying around. I'm not exactly sure what he thought I was about to pull out of my back pocket....maybe he thought I was going to whip out a gun or a knife (even though the guy was fat enough that neither would penetrate far enough into his greasy, gelatinous body to do any real damage), but the guy got a real worried look on his face and said something about it not being a school night, so he guessed it'd be alright. He continued to watch us like a hawk for most of the time we played frisbee in the very large and very empty Sam's Club parking lot, making sure we weren't using our game of midnight frisbee as a cover story so we could rob the Sam's Club blind or break into all the cars that weren't around.
On Saturday, I went with my mom and brother to a birthday party/redneck picnic that one of my mom's friends from work threw. It was way out in the backwater town of Itaska, Texas. Despite having to listen to numerous people kareokeing various country songs, it was pretty fun. Plus I was feeling pretty good since I got my medicated eye drops and my eye wasn't itching like crazy for the first time in over a week. The only really bad part of the day was when I stuck my hand in a fire ant hill while retrieving a frizbee. Not fun. Luckily, I only got bit twice even though the little fuckers were all over my hand.
After we got home, I took a much needed nap since my eye infection spread into a sinus infection and the allergy meds I took were making me tired. When I got up, Tray and I watched the original Dawn of the Dead because he had never seen it and his dad is convinced that the movie is pure evil (Tray asked them if they could buy it or rent it sometime and his dad actually said "I will not watch that kind of stuff and I will NOT have it in my house!").
Sunday, I got up and made French toast for my mom and then we sat down to watch Blade Trinity. It was pretty good. A hell of a lot better than the shitty second one, but not anywhere near as good as the first. You can really tell that Wesley Snipes stopped caring about the Blade character and he looks pretty fed up with it all through the movie. Ryan Reynolds was excellent and very funny, easily overshadowing Wesley Snipes and quickly became the character you care about and want to see more of. He definitely got all the good lines too.
"One, Your hairdo is......ridiculous. And two....I've been eating a lot of garlic....and I just farted. Silent but deadly!"
"The tracking beacon is embedded in my left ass cheek"
::vampire smacks him::
"Okay,'s in my right ass cheek"
::vampire smacks him again::
"Seriously, it's in the meat of my ass.....right below the Hello Kitty! tattoo."
::vampire smacks him yet again::
I can see why he is being offered roles as the Flash and Deadpool. I hope he'll take them.
The rest of the day was mostly filled with cleaning and cooking and such. I watched a few movies last night while doing some laundry. White Noise was weird and creepy....could have been better, but it still gave me the chills. Kung Fu Hustle was fucking hilarious! Stephen chow is a genius.
Today, I'm cleaning some more and being excited because my beautiful girl is coming to see me and stay with me a few days. :D
Tomorrow is my birthday. Please make all checks payable to Geoffrey Greene. If you need my address, let me know. If you're going to send a stripper, make sure it's a good one. :P