
Oct 17, 2008 18:08

Why when "I" need to rant, no one is around?

Because it's fucking Val. Val is mighty. Val doesn't need to vent. Val is perfect.

Well, Val says SCREW YOU WORLD!

Anyway, since I'm out of public, might as well rant HERE. At least, NOTHING can stop me from ranting other than a lack of electricity, lack of internet and lack of workable computre. And that's not the case. Lucky for me. Bad for you.

I'm pissed because of work.

Doesn't happen much but hell it does happen because guess what? I don't have the perfect job! Just a GREAT job. So that means I get shit every now and then just like anyone else!

So today I got mad at for doing my job because someone else did a BAD job. So Suzanne got a bit worked up and I think it might not be directed at me but...I kind of feel that it is the case and I was the one who got the slap in the face. So yay. What a great way to eat my diner.

Then later that day, once I'm in the car to get home with Suzanne and Nicole, I learned that Sandrine, the one I'm supposed to work for, was stuck at work because she didn't do everything she had to do for the initiation weekend that starts...TOMORROW. And I get "Val, it's your job to go see her and make sure she's not loaded."


I'm supposed to KNOW such things when we barely have a communication going on? And moreover, I DID ask her if she needed help at the end of the day because I noticed she was busy running around and she just said "Get me some portfolios". I did. Then I said "Well, I'm done for the day. I'll see you next week." And she goes "Sure! Have a great weekend."

HOW am I supposed to know she had more stuff to do? She said something "I'll be there at 5" for the little party for the students that were done with their studies this fall.

It just pisses me off that because she doesn't communicate her needs to me that it turns out to be MY fault. I was sitting there, all day, doing pads. She knew I was working. She knew I was doing something that could have waited! And damn, I get blame for the situation. I HATE that.

So next week, you can bet I'm going to make that partnership work. I'm going to talk to her and if I must, I'll tell her that we need to have a small meeting every week to know what are the things that need to be done. I answer the phone about school information and the e-mails as well. Plus I take the e-mails for the guided tours but if I need to do more, I DO NOT MIND. For fuck's sake, I've been HIRED for that reason! And nothing would please me more to tell Alex that I CAN'T take care of some of his stuff because I'm helping Sandrine first.

Why is this all my fault? I'm trying to be communicative but she shoved people out of her office today. I did my best to not ask her anything and not make a sound so she can work better because everyone was disturbing her. And what pisses me off is that NO ONE knew she had stuff to do for the initiation weekend! So everyone took it easy, but not me! I decided that Friday or not, I would work till the end of my shift and damn, no. That was WRONG. I HAD to somehow GUESS she was loaded with work.

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