Sep 03, 2008 20:54

Since the moving, we all have been very busy. Me included! I thought I would do nothing like the other place but I got much more responsability. oO Which is why I don't post here and on gaia as much.

Al came back in one piece from Abitibi. I'm glad. :3 I'm always worried when he's so far away and I'm not around with him.

I didn't have much time to write or draw lately... It's too hot. >< But I did find time to do some DDR. :D No excuse to flunk my cardio! But...I do wish to work on my drawing a bit more tomorrow. I'll eventually kick my ass to draw a bit every day. >< I'll get there!

Seeing my childhood friend friday night. As you can see, I'm thrilled. She's not that bad I wish she would just leave me alone.

ego_centrisme  and orchid666 , we need to do something together. Been a while since the three of us saw each other (I know you two are ALWAYS seeing each other but I don't want to wait for you guys to be sick of each other to be able to see you). I know I'm very busy but we could try to plan something to go out? :3 Throwing the ball. Up to you to get it.

Going to call my mom soon. I hope she won't forget about me this time. *sighs*

Need to call the doc and the dentist to get an appointment. Oh joy....

They're going to talk about my contract soon at work. Hopefully, they want me to stay.

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