Dec 03, 2007 12:37
Things are okay...ish.
I just got out of Drugs. When Steele was handing out papers at the beginning of class, he gave me this little note that asked if I could meet with him sometime on Wednesday. Of course, I spent the entire class freaking out. I was thinking "I'm not failing any classes, so it's not that. I haven't plagiarized anything, so it's not that." I talked to him after class and am meeting with him Wednesday at 4, which requires me to stick around for an extra couple hours. He wouldn't tell me what it was about...only that we have some "issues" to talk about. My best guess is that it's psych club related. Chances are that they're either noticing my lack-luster attitude or that it got back around to the that I hate Debbie. not like they can do anything about that. My attitude is mine to decide, and if it weren't for Debbie i wouldn't have such a grouchy disposition to begin with. I think I'm rather courteous considering the amount of discontent I have. I mean, I try to avoid her when I can, cause that's how I deal with people I dont like. I'm not too into psych club this year because it's dragging me down. It's not a collaborative effort from all the exec members. It's the Debbie club, and that's not what I signed up for.
Other than that minor/major freak out, things are okay. This is the last week of classes for the semester. Next week is finals. I have 2 on Tuesday, 1 Wednesday, 2 Thursday, and 1 Friday. only two of those are cumulative, so I'm not too worried. I just need Andrew to email me back the answers to the questions I asked him so that I can do my final presentation on him.
Speaking of Andrew, I got really pissed at him on Friday. I wanted to know whether or not I should both inviting him to the wedding, so I asked him if he would try to come. He said "probably not." I'm just so done with him. It's like he doesn't care if he has friends. He doesn't appreciate our efforts to see him, he never makes any attempts to see us, and he wont even put any effort into something as important as MY WEDDING that isn't for another YEAR AND A HALF. what's his problem?
psych club,