Баллада «Три ворона»

Feb 26, 2016 12:06

Оказывается, то «Шотландская песня»  Пушкина 1828 года (Ворон к ворону летит), которое перевод В. Скотта имеет более древнее происхождение: "The Three Ravens" is an English folk ballad, printed in the song book Melismata compiled by Thomas Ravenscroft and published in 1611, but it is perhaps older than that. Newer versions (with different music) were recorded right up through the 19th century. Francis James Child recorded several versions in his Child Ballads (catalogued as number 26). A common derivative is called "Twa Corbies" ("Two Ravens" or "Two Crows"), and it follows a similar general story, but with a cynical twist.

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