The Kids Are Grown Up But Their Lives Are Worn

Mar 27, 2011 18:29

I always start my posts with an apology or an excuse as to my complete lack of updatage, but I think I'll just not bother anymore. I'm sure everyone's used to it by now XD

So on the 19th I was in Coventry for Sophie's 21st. The theme was retro (but apparently it was meant to be 50s retro specifically, which I don't remember being told about), so because I am lazy I just bought an afro wig and some star-shaped glasses to wear for it XD It was a lot of fun. Although a handful of us (including Sophie) arrived 2 hours early because Sophie's ridiculous overplanning resulted in her booking a taxi to pick us up at 6pm to drive 20-30 minutes to the venue for a party that was scheduled to start at 8pm XD The place was called Dockers and it was a 50s style American diner. They do some really nice alcoholic milkshakes =9 I did partake in a few of those (then decided to stop before my body reminded me of its lower-than-average milk tolerance) XD Good times were had by all. After the party the group of us that were staying at Sophie's went back to the house to play I Have Never till about 4am till we all crashed. I ended up sleeping (or trying to) on a small couch that had the seat cushions removed (by Nessie, who was using them on the floor) in a sleeping bag, kinda half sat up. Miraculously, I managed to get a small amount of sleep!

The weather was so nice early this week just gone. Far too nice to be cooped up at work. In fact, it was so nice on Thursday that, on the way to uni, Katie and I were very tempted just to sack it off and head into Nottingham centre instead XD Shame the weather didn't carry over into the weekend though.

Yesterday I just went into Nottingham to have lunch with Hen and do some shopping. I bought an animu movie on Blu-Ray and a pair of trainers. You see, I've decided that I'm going to get over my gym-associated self-consciousness and actually just fucking go. Clearly, charging at things head-on is the only way I know how to deal with issues XD Anyway, yes, gym might actually be a thing that's gonna happen =o I had been meaning to do so for a while. I mean, I'm not fat or anything, but I do miss actually being toned (believe it or not, I used to be... before I went to uni XD) and being more tolerant of exertion. I mean, I used to go running and I used to go to the gym, but all the benefits that I got from that have been lost over the years and I kinda want to get at least some of that back. Plus, if nothing else, it's something to do during the week that is not a) work or b) sitting on my ass XD

Weird thing I've come to realise: I seem to have lost some sense of time. Not in the sense that I literally don't know what day it is (although sometimes I do wonder) but I don't know how far in the past/future things have occurred/are going to occur. It's like instead of measuring it all in days/weeks/months I've reduced it all to future/past, where things in the "Future" are not thought about (whether that's months ahead or simply next week) and everything that's happened is lumped into "Past". For example, I remember thinking "shit, it's Kitacon so soon??" about a week ago when it still seemed, in my mind, to be at least a month away. Similar feeling with Aron and Ysan's wedding in May. The Big Fat Racist Party was at least a month ago, but I had to check to be sure of that, same with other notable events in the past couple of months. It kinda feels like it's all become...kinda hazy and blurred together into the 2 categories of Past and Future. I actually don't know if this is making any sense, now that I think about it XD I suppose this is only important when considering that some events in Future might actually require some forethought and planning for, and realising that it is imminent in the next week/few days is gonna make that difficult XD I wonder if it's because I get sucked into the hum-drum of going to work and coming home, only to go to work and come home again the next day over and over again that it's kind of caused me to lose all sense of time. I think I've said before that it's been feeling like any given day only registers to me as a Work Day or a Not Work Day. Not sure if that's particularly healthy XD It's kind of the reason why I've suddenly decided to make a concerted effort with the gym thing, I guess. I want other things to do during the week that isn't the aforementioned options a) or b), and maybe in doing that things will become a little less hazy.

Next week, I have the whole week off till Tuesday of the following week! =D And during that I am off to Kitacon from Thursday onwards. I was thinking of going to visit people during the beginning of the week but I figure, petrol costs being what they are and all, I am just gonna stay in and chill the fuck out for a few days before hitting Kitacon. Actually, no, I'm gonna go sign up to a gym and start going this coming week XD I have been looking forward to this break so much.

With regards to Kita, I'm not sure what kind of things I need to pack for it. How many people reading this are going to the ball as opposed to the karaoke? Is there going to be pool shenanigans?


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