Man, was this week shit. Helen had been taken ill and was off work since last Wednesday afternoon. So this meant that I had to do what I was supposed to do and do what she's supposed to do for the latter half of last week, which invariably meant I had no time to do either. So come the week after (which would be this past week), I have been covering just her section while she was away. Naturally, this means that everything I need to use breaks down, while I try and catch up with things I didn't have time to do last week due to being expected to be 2 people at once. And even when I do get a chance to try and make some headway I just get interrupted by some shitty thing that has to be dealt with right away but takes, like, over and hour, after which I really need to do something else that needs to be done. It has pretty much been like that all week. All day every day I was just like PLEASE LET ME JUST FINISH DOING SOMETHING PLS.
I am so glad that that is, hopefully, over with now because Helen's back; and that tomorrow I am heading up to Newcastle to be a Big Fat Racist at a Big Fat Racist Party. I am going as Generic Eastern Asian Man (or, "Hong Kong", because China was taken) with my straw hat and long mandarin moustache XD
Oh, yeah. BIG NEWS: I am making my nerd-pilgrimage to Japan, along with Aron and Ysan, for 3 weeks in September! TIME TO EXCITED
I got so ridiculously bored with the music I have on my iphone that the other night I spent the whole night just looking for other songs to add to my playlist. I ended up with mostly new (to me) songs like a handful of Pendulum, along with some oldies like Offspring. Still looking for more things, so rec me some cool choons!
Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
1) I can make myself into an incredibly focused person. If I have my sights set on getting something done, I will likely see it through no matter what.
2) I can be pretty patient with people. Though I guess that really depends...
3) I am pretty loyal to my friends. I like to think there's generally very little that would turn me against any of them.
4) I, uh... have good work ethic? That's so lame, I know, but I'm running out of ideas XD I guess specifically I like to finish what I started, even if it means working a bit longer/harder than I probably am expected to.
5) Promises are important things that I try hard to keep.
6) I am pretty straightforward, most of the time. I am not without my twists but I like to think that, for the most part, I am easy to get along with and understand. Generally the only time I seem to confuse people is when I am stupid. Which is more often than I like to think about.
7) I always pay people back, whether it's a favour or money. Usually it's money XD
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets