So. Stuff has happened. Not a lot of stuff, but it's stuff I figured deserved posting about at least XD
I'm starting voluntary service in the Clinical Chemistry lab in the pathology department of King's Mill Hospital next Tuesday (or, I will, as soon as I e-mail the guy telling him I'd like to). I went in for a short tour of the department on Tuesday. It was rather amazing, actually. I always though our hospital was a bit shit XD But they have a pretty advanced set of pathology labs, which included 3 machines that they had been chosen to test before going to market =o I think I'll just be taking the samples that get carted in and readying them to go into the automated diagnostic machines XD Also met 2 other volunteers that day, Natasha and Yulas (I think - he was from India), who are also going to start on Tuesday. I also had my first part of my HepB vaccine that day. I've got to go back a month later for the 2nd jab, and then 6 months later for the final jab. They also want me to go for a Mantoux test (the six needles) to make sure I'm immune to tetanus, as I have absolutely no scarring on my arm from when I had it done in school.
Hopefully, I can get at least 2 days a week doing stuff there and, even more hopefully, I'll be able to do some work in the microbiology labs there too (as what I'll be doing isn't, strictly speaking, microbiology).
Actually, aside from that, I don't think I've really been up to much XD
Finished off watching Gurren Lagann, which is fantastic! Started watching a series of OVAs based on a manga called Detroit Metal City which is proving to be entertaining, if a little disturbing at times. Though I think I mainly enjoy it for the opening - Satsugai:
Click to view
Not generally into death metal, but goddamn this song just makes me want to get out my Guitar Hero controllers and smash them to bits XD
And that about does it for now, I guess. I've been gaming, but no one really wants to hear about that XD