Had a fairly uninteresting few days. Spent most of it reading manga/watching anime. I've also been reading Others by James Herbert. I seem to like James Herbert's book still. Not like how I used to like Richard Laymon's books but ended up not liking him when I picked up something by him a few months ago.
Brain's a little frazzled 'cos I had a 4-hour Molten Core run on WoW earlier this evening. Yeah~ I'm all about endgame and shit now XD I think I'll just quietly and patiently work my way up the DKP queue a bit before I go needing on any loot drops that I might want. So far, I've ran MC the most and I've not come across anything that makes me go
"OMFGNEEDROFL". Not a lot of interesting gear (for rogues at least) drops in MC, which appears to be all the raid group I'm a part of do these days. Hopefully, I can get more chances to go to Ahn'Qiraj 'cos the leather stuff that drops there is high on stamina and attack power. The closer I get to 4000hp, the better off I'll be. And if I can get to the point where I can hurt someone for 600 on a crit-sinister strike, I'll be very, very happy. Looking at the kinds of epic gear you can get, I think it's quite possible to get your attack power and strength so high that you can hit for 1k on a sinister strike. The thought of taking 1/4 of someone's health bar away with a single attack makes me very giddy 'cos I'm sad like that.
I'd actually joined them on their 2nd MC run of the weekend, so I started off at a point where they left off at the previous run. It appeared to be before the fight with a boss called Majordomo. This was the week previous to Amecon Weekend.
Majordomo (I was tempted to shout out a reference to the infamous Domo-kun but I doubt anyone in the raid group would get it) is a pretty simple boss, as far as fights go. Well, most boss fights happen to be quite simple when you're playing a class who's role is just to help hurt things via stabbing XD Though I think this fight is a test of coordination on the tanks and mages part. Basically, some unlucky mage has to run towards the boss and his cronies, so he aggros them all, and
iceblock himself (so he doesn't die). Then tanks (which consisted of hunters and warriors, oddly enough), positioned at maximum range around the boss' position then taunt/pull the cronies off the mage and tanks them. Any cronies not tanked are kept polymorphed by very alert mages until we can deal with them. The rest of us just have to stay alive/keep the important people alive. We then pick off the cronies one by one before dealing with Domo himself. Which is easier said than done, 'cos all it takes is for one of the tanks to die/lose aggro or one of the mages to lose polymorph control on one and then things all start going to hell. Not to mention that a random cronie will suddenly get a shield that absorbs some amount of damage, and that Majordomo and some of the cronies are constantly casting some kind of painful area effect spell that takes me down in about 4 hits. The fight does generally tend to descend into barely contained chaos, as some targets become free to run amok within the raid group. Needless to say, we did wipe
once or
twice. We did eventually
defeat him though. Where he then says something about getting his master on you and then does a runner.
Which brings us onto Ragnaros. Once you reach the room where the fight takes place, and talk to
Majordomo, Ragnoros is
summoned from the lava, and subsequently kills Domo for his incompetance.
Ragnaros the Fire Lord is
fucking huge and, frankly, I don't know how a bunch of melee
stabbing his feet are gonna really bother him much. I had a lot of time to take screenies of the Ragnaros fight 'cos I spent most of it
dead XD Hell, I think all he did was look at me and my healthbar just vanished. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to kill him before people had to leave (after wiping a couple of times), so the raid was ended there.
They then planned a late-night run to Ahn'Qiraj. Which I immediately put my hand up for 'cos I'd been wanting to go in there ever since it opened XD There was only enough for the 20-man part of the instance, which was still good, consideing I'd never been.
The first boss we encountered was
Kurinaxx, a kinda bug/centipede thing. Fairly simple and straight-forward for all concerned. The tanks tank it, the healers heal, everyone else hurts it. Every now and then the boss would make a sandbomb appear beneath a random member of the raid group, which does damage. Easy fight.
next one was a little less boring. We had to assist a group of NPC fighters in killing
waves of soldiers sent by the next boss. After killing them all (there must've been at least 6 or 7 waves),
General Rajaxx himself comes to take you all on. The only thing of note with this guy is that he occasionally does a big stomp on the ground which knocks off half the remaining health of everyone within a radius around him. We wiped a few times, and I wish I could've got a shot of when the tanks lost aggro and Rajaxx shoved his giant pincer-fist through my face and into the ground XD
The last fight we had during the evening was against a giant beetle-like thing called
Buru. It moved kinda slowly, and appears to be the keeper of the eggs in the area. What we had to do here was to attack an egg and reduce it to very low health without destroying it. This causes Buru to
sidle up to the attackers. And when this happens, the group assigned to the egg destroys the egg and this, for some reason, harms Buru a lot. Then another group starts attacking and egg to lure Buru away while the first group moves to another egg and waits for the other group to finish their egg. Every now and then, Buru decides to watch a random member of your raid group. I'm not entirely sure what happens here but I'm told that when you're the one being watched, you run. Run fast. Unfortunately, with all the luck, I happened to be the first one to be watched and I just couldn't run to the other group fast enough. My health bar halved, then vanished before I even managed to get away from where I was XD Once Buru reaches low health (which is normally after a couple of eggs) it literally
blows its top and goes crazy-go-nuts on your ass. It moves faster and attacks quicker at this stage. We wiped here, and decided to call it a night XD
And because of the nature of late-night runs, we did a regular roll on rare (blue) items (instead of spending DKP on them as per a regular run). The book that upgrades one of my poisons to a more powerful level dropped twice, and I managed to get it the 2nd time! So it was all good =D
Marianne made me an SOS-Dan logo out of modelling clay for my birthday XDDD I've
blu-tacked it to my PC case, to where the case sticker is 8D
And it was results day for those doing A levels in the UK today, wasn't it? My sister got into her first choice application, which was to do a 4-year course at Manchester University studying International Management! She was all fretting about it. I kept telling her she didn't need to worry. She's clever and hard-working, not like her lazy moron of a brother 8D Hope it all went well for you guys too! Though I suspect that this wouldn't apply to the majority of you who read this *laughs*
And I wish I had more to blog about than my WoW exploits. You know I'm running out of interesting things to post about when the majority of my post-body is filled with WoW-related stuff ._.