Mar 30, 2012 22:34


I FINALLLYY discovered how to change the layout of this livejournal ! XD Spent like, 3 days Google-ing on how to customise and make it matching to my taste XD Oh ya, fine you guessed it. I still have to update my side bar.. TSK...

So yeahh ! Other than my beloved hubby Yamada Ryosuke whom i promise never to leave, I've found a new boyfriend <3 I realised i fell in love with him ever since i saw him at Summary 2011 DVD during the unofficial screening :P Without further ado, i would like to introduce you guys my one and only boyfriend (He's one year younger but who cares ?? When you're in love, age is just a number right?) *drumroll*


Ohmygod He's soooooooooooooooo adorable ! X3 So our anniversary is officially on 17 March <3 Don't forget :D
Now i'm also officially a Sexy Zone fan with Shori being my ichiban bias XD

And i saw all around Facebook that JUMParty 2 is out ?! I cant work out what in the world they're doing because there's only stationary photos ._. Any kind soul to tell me what happened during JUMParty 2 ? 
&& Yesss my dearest brother Morimoto Ryutaro didn't appear in any of the JUMParty realeased :'( He'll come back one day, i know he will <3

Okay i'll come back if i have more news to tell the world <3

Jyaa ~

jumparty, hey! say! jump, sexy zone, morimoto ryutaro, sato shori

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