icon tutorial

Feb 22, 2008 22:09

Hi this is my first time on writing tuts. Hope this help :)

we're gonna learn how to make this:


uses, curves, selective color, and hue/saturation
so it shouldnt be translatable :(

here goes nothing.

1. Crop your base, sharpen etc. My base was this:

2 . Go to layer > new adjustment layer > curves
input : 52
output : 82
and i've got something like this :

3. Now layer > new adjustment layer > selective coloring
Reds : -20, 0, +100, 20
Yellows : -71, 0, +56, +20
Cyans : +100, 0, -100, 0
Whites : 0, 0, -100, 0
Neutrals : -10, -25, -20, -7
and i've got something look like this:

4. Now we make it a little vibrant using layer > new adjustment layer > hue and saturation
master : 0, +15, 0
And you will got this:

And you're done!! :D
Comments make my day :)

tutorial, icons

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