Hats NOT Hate

Jun 17, 2006 22:04

This is a collaberative; ideas to think about in the fashion politics arena of post-modernity.



P.S I fucking hate privatization, how the godman am I going to swim in the lake ever, meet people, with all this eletest bullshit crp isolationism????-all three questions need seperate attention.
Fucking Mexico, Maine Owasco, I want to swim nude and be beautiful.

I saw scary dogs and no sensible waters today, a fight two dogs, then two people. I ate ice cream, I played soccer. Some people remember your name some dont. Sometimes your remember a name sometimes you dont. My boss fucking loves me, for a man thats really absoulutly repulsive in my own world(regan 2002 calender photo scum) (found and appropriatly in the hands of moi). I have really warmed up to the republican milliondoller basterd, who knows what makes a million doller house a million doller house; prostitutes!

So much for being a stupid kid conditioned to not ask questions ( sarah*, margaret*, Lindsay, Chelsey, myself)* really pretty darn smart regardless, I am turing some godamn pages from near forver. Bordem whatever, saying NO to compleate assism with a simple smile and nod and an unforgetable harliqin romance from the depths of their personal satan.

Cheers to Wells a useless hole of whore, to all that is not progress, too while I am thinking of it!
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