days full of wonder

Apr 20, 2009 21:17

Didn't update yesterday, because my internet connection was down most of the night. So, double portion of happy thingies.


I was happy because everything went really well at work. I saw a woman, about my age, who was very, very much pregnant. I don't understand how they still let her work, she was so massive! She must be expecting twins. Anyway, I enjoyed looking at her. In fact, I couldn't stop staring :D It is pretty amazing. Maybe that's why I'm so fat, I want to look like I'm pregnant. (although I really do not want to be) Or maybe I just eat too much. Hmm. The mystery shall remain unsolved.

Furthermore, a man at work, who I has assumed was so demented he had lost the ability to speak (i work at an old people's home), sang two days straight. I swear, every time I walked past him, he was singing. The song was apparently his own composition, lyrics were his, too. It told the thrilling story of a few guys who drove on and on and occasionally stopped to have a drink. Then they drove on again.  Yeas, a drink of alcohol. Apparently they got a bit tipsy, too, but still drove on. Sometimes they stopped, but did not have a drink. Yeah, he sang that for two days :D Made everyone smile.  Only oldies can be cute and heartbreaking and annoying at the same time.

"ja sitten he ajoivat vaan, ja sitten he pysähtyivät ja joivat yhden ja sitten he jatkoivat matkaa ja ajoivat vaan ja sitten pysähtyivät ja ottivat hömpsyn. Sitten he ajoivat taas ja sitten he pysähtyivät mutta sitten he eivät ottaneetkaan"

Should have recorded it.


I got my cd's from Now I've been listening Garbage for about three hours. I think I'm paranoid always makes me think about sex. Something about the rhythm, maybe. Or the voice of the  singer.  This song is about the best thing I've heard in a while. I also ordered Lily Allen's first album, but I'm growing a bit tired with her, so maybe I'll "forget" the cd for a while. Been listening to her for months.

Got back two German homework pieces that I thought were horrible. But I got passable grades anyway.

That's about it.

I got a lot of work to do: exam on Wednesday, a meeting with a nazi-teacher tomorrow (yiks), a PowerPoint presentation in German by Friday, a film criticism in German also by Friday and I have to read through about 90 pages of boring German text by Monday.

Blargh. Wanna go party!  I refuse to wait for the May Day, wanna go party now! RED WINE RED WINE RED WINE.

Tomorrow: taking some stuff to flea market. Nazi teacher who will beat me to death verbally. Note to self: remember tissues. Dinner date with a friend. Note to self: remember not to speak your mouth full. WORKWORKWORK. Note to self: no red wine, exam next morning.

I think I could get used to updating every day. This is kind of addictive.

music, meme, happy, work

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