I'm in a funk...
Not the good kind tho. So, to get me back to writing, give me your best prompts! I'm best with Glee (obviously) but will also take a shot at Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Doctor Who, The OC, One Tree Hill, Buffy, Firefly, Crossovers... y'know what, prompt it and if I know what it is I'll try to write it. No guarantees!
☆ Give me a word and a pairing/character and I will give you at least one line of fic. ☆
1. Start a new thread for your prompt
2. Don't hunt me down if I don't fill yours. I WILL DO MY BEST.
3. Try and give me something in my wheelhouse. Finn/Rachel, tofu is more likely to get me writing than Jacob/Jesse, 69.
4. Feel free to anon. ♥
ETA: Apparently I have no idea how to write only one sentence. OH WELL. HAVE DRABBLES INSTEAD.