Happy New Year people!
Yeah I know, I'm so very late but I wanted to tell you anyway :)
chlorate thanks for the card! (yeah, it got here on time but I couldn't let you know it did until now...sorry!) you really surprised me with it, I thought you wouldn't send me one since I asked for it so late...thank you!!! I really feel like sending you something too.
btw, when's your birthday??? ;)
gds_kurimu juntemonos niña! dime qué te parece lo siguiente: tú, yo, cine hoyts, brokeback mountain o memorias de una geisha (o lo que quieras ver), pantalones y libros prestados, etc. todo juntito y reunido finalmente el mismo día y en el mismo canal?????? vamos, di que sí, anda siiiii????
undertheice dime que me recuerdas por favooooor!!!!
So, it's been ages since I wrote last time and lots of things have happened but it's a new year and I don't feel like writing about EVERYTHING, sorry.
So, random things:
My cat finally has a name: Lola. Someday I'll post pictures of her because she deserves the attention...she's so beautifull!
I'm reading Harry Potter. Somehow the worst fandom ever (or so i'm told) **captured** me, someone help me please!!!
I met with my ex boyfriend. After the meeting (and the things we talked and did) I felt very stupid and pathetic. However, now I can proudly say that I'm truly over him...took me long enough but now I'm ready for whatever the future's got for me.
Narnia is GREAT! Lucy! Edmund!! ASLAN OMFG!!! I need icons...
U2 is coming but there are no more tickets available, besides, they were too expensive...SHIT!
I really love my friends. I don't know what i'd do without my girls and that's something NEW and SURPRISING.
I need someone to feed me...I'm like the worst cooker EVAH! I can't believe I had to wash all the fruits of the dessert I made yesterday 'cause I added salt instead of sugar...I know, WORST COOKER EVAAAAH!!
My friend Marta's in Brazil now so I'm expecting my brazilian present boy in the near future mwahaHA! (damn I forgot to tell her that my present must have cooking skills...), I'll let you know about my new mistress life when my boy gets here.
I'm kind of tired of this journal and this username so I might create a new lj in the future. I'll let you know, of course :)
I feel so bad 'cause I've been such a bad lj friend! please forgive me. Anyway, I'm really gonna post more often this year, I promise...(feels like deja vu when I write that 'cause I keep telling that to myself and I'm not even sure if I wrote that promise here before). I won't post just...what, five or six times a year like I did last year:) BUT, even though I want to post more that's not gonna happen this month because I'm on vacation and that means no university which means no internet....poor me.