well hello again

Apr 04, 2013 21:10

Hi LJ, I still exist, you still exist, it's awesome.

I feel like I have so much to go over, how I spent 18 days of this past February in Germany, trying to drink all their beer and flirt with all their boys (and kiss one) and be with my cousins and have pretty much the most amazing vacation of my life.

I feel like I should get into all the hiking and outdoorsy stuff I've gotten to do lately, and the continued fail of my dating life, etc etc.

That is not this post. This post is about my excitement for my impending birthday weekend in New York City, going back for the first time in almost 3 years, and getting to spend a weekend with my best friend in my best city seeing my Broadway Love all within a 36 hour period in barely over a month.

So, it's not secret (at all) that I've only been back to NYC once since I left, and that was barely 3 months after I left. It's a lot of things, mostly money related, but I think deep down somewhere I've been afraid of going back, because I miss it constantly, and I'm constantly a few minutes away from packing up my car and just driving back there and trying it again. I've said several times that if I go back, I want to go back just to walk the streets with Megs, not to sit in line all day and wish I was wandering all over our city. (that's not to say I don't want to do that, I just want to be able to do more then that)

That didn't mean I stopped looking. In fact, every single time a show I wanted to go to came up I checked every travel website available. Tickets for a roundtrip flight from Sac generally run about $500. And then, Aaron Tveit announced a couple of shows.


Aaron Tveit. The man puts epic hearts in my eyes. It's a lot of things all at once. It's the fact that Next to Normal is one of my favorite musicals, I saw it by myself in NYC during it's original cast run and I sobbed pretty much the entire time (the thing about going to see a musical about mental health issues by yourself...). Aaron was brilliant in it and completely heart breaking. Then came Catch Me If You Can and while I had already moved back to California at that point, I got the soundtrack because I remembered Aaron and also Catch Me If You Can is one of my favorite movies. There is a song on the soundtrack called "Goodbye" and oh my god, about a year after I moved from NYC this song got under my skin so hard. Not because of how I felt but because of how everyone said I should be feeling. After years of moving around, and living this pretty much fairy tale life in Australia, Bay Area, Texas, Baltimore, and New York, it was time to come home and "start my real life" and say goodbye to the fantasy. Clearly, that struck a chord. Fastforward years later, and Les Miserables was released on Chrismtas Day. Caboose and I went and predictably ugly cried the entire last 30 minutes. (and I was prepared, I grew up on the soundtrack and the videos of the 10th and 25th anniversary concerts while never getting to see the show live). And jeez, who what that gorgeous intense boy playing Enjolras, my favorite doomed character of the entire musical? Caboose and I sat through all the credits and I started squacking and flailing when Aaron's name came up. I have no idea how I didn't know it was hime, just that it was someone I knew that I knew. Needless to say my love affair with him has increased a million times since then.

So, Aaron announces 4 solo NYC shows, and my heart breaks a bit. Because it's not the b ig shows in NYC that I miss these days, it's the small shows. The shows in the tiny 150 person capacity swanky cabaret restaurant that caters to the Broadway crowds. (or y'know, something along those lines). So, I looked, like I always do at flights, and fuck you very much Orbitz, but $1200 roundtrip is just rude. And then, Expedia, like a shining beacon tossed out a $250 roundtrip flight for the exact weekend between me and Megs' birthdays, the weekend she's free from other shows, and the weekend of one of Aaron's shows. I got the flight before I even bought a ticket to the show.

That, was a whole other matter. Seriously, I had Vertigo level anxiety about the presale because the venue is 150 people, and Aaron is kind of a Really Big Deal on Broadway. My anxiety, it seemed was foreshadowing, the presale was a hot mess of the worst kind and the venue emailed out presale codes after the sale started and to people individually, I just happened to get one of the first ones and Megs fought through the maze of website fail to finally secure our tickets. The venue ended up adding two more shows and sold all the tickets in a second presale the next day. No tickets ever went on sale to the general public because there wasn't time or enough tickets. Proud Nini is proud of her boy.

Which, is basically a really long version of why I'm going to NYC for 36 to walk around, have a slice of cake from Billy's Bakery, have a ton of diner coffee, maybe a bagel and a slice of pizza (and maybe some Rice Balls in the West Village), and walk and walk and walk and see the bridges and be in the park and just....be home again with my best friend.

And then get to see that charming man. With my best friend. And then we get to walk more, and talk more and tell each other our stories and I can't be more excited.

And now, a crash course into my love for Aaron Tveit.

Oh yeah, he was Roger in the LA Hollywood Bowl Rent did I mention that?

He was also adorable with James Franco in "Howl"

And finally, his epic entrance to the Oscars this year.

Its a happy ending, to the greatest show on earth.
Now the curtains descending and I hope you got your moneys worth.
Gonna stop the show now cause I wanna leave on top.
So get up and go now. Cause theres nothing left inside my head.
Everything thats left to says been said

Also, wow, posting something long and rambling felt good.

i heart nyc, travel, aaron tveit, music, megs

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