Sep 23, 2005 09:56
its 12:30 am and i cant sleep cause i drank coffee again, i dont know why i crave it so late at night. morning coffee aint the same. i want to go for a walk but its raining, really raining. i wish i could share this with certain people.
i think my dad should be president of the world.
i never lose interest in his words. he never ceases to amaze me. i wish i could be like him. who drinks chocatinis in the taipei hyatt with a suit on and quotes lines from shakespeare? who does that?
my mom, is the sweetest girl in my world. she seems to be getting stronger and smaller at the same time. her legs are getting to be delicate like an aging woman. its amazing watching her own her steps. she is shrinking and i want to carry her in my pocket. she held my hand today and i dont know, it was smaller than mine, when did that happen? its kind of sad.
tonight i had dinner with my mom and dad, this is a rare situation for me, i never grew up with them TOGETHER. i stopped that part of my life when i was 9. so sitting at a dinner table in a restaurant . having my mom hold my hand and my father winking at me. i all of a sudden felt whole. they finally get along. what the fuck. ive reached a complete full circle with my parents. this is all i ever wanted with my parents.
everyone here trips out on me being tan, the people here like being pale. it means they dont need to work hard or be in the sun , because being tan represents hard labor. its a status thing but pretty much everyone is pale around here, unless you really are a rice picker or whatever.
good night im going to toss and turn in bed now.