Aug 08, 2005 22:31
so i have to just change the last entry i made. i dont understand why a machine hates me. must be because I scream at it and eat nachos over the keyboard. or maybe it just has p.m.s... i don't know.
to courtney: wah wah waahhh wah wah wahhh wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
you know of what I speak..
anyways.. went for more chinese today, because i'm an eggroll whore.
only one day left, because jefferson county is one giant cunt. and i mean that in a good way, of course. i feel like making a new name, just so i can insult people with it. i don't have the patience to go thru all the hate mail though. it bores me. if you can't find a nice insult, just go to (racial slur database). This truely helps the uninformed and/or ignorant. for example.. the slur "cracker" comes from poor white men who lived off on crackers; also, the 'crack' of the slave whip upon negro slaves. See? I bet you didn't know that. HA.