Sooty and Sweep

Feb 03, 2021 10:16

Do you remember Sooty and Sweep? They were a sort of soft toy version of Laurel and Hardy.

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I still love Sooty's body language :-)

And it seems they're still going strong, though I should imagine they're a bit less anarchic these days.As a toddler, I had a very special relationship with Sooty because my cot mattress was decorated with little ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

curiouswombat February 3 2021, 14:36:30 UTC
Hurrah for having your own puppets!

I always liked Sweep best, for some reason.


gillo February 3 2021, 17:29:47 UTC
Sooty was just too sanctimonious. Until Soo arrived and he became a little bit naughtier. By then even my brother had lost interest to some extent, however.


curiouswombat February 3 2021, 19:50:11 UTC
He really was, wasn't he!


gillo February 3 2021, 22:45:01 UTC
I'd feel sorry for Harry Corbett, but it was entirely his own fault. And the reason Harold Steptoe had to be Harry H Corbett.


kazzy_cee February 3 2021, 16:05:18 UTC
LOL!!! Bless!!!!

I'm glad you are finding things to distract you ;)

It's interesting how some childhood memories are so vivid isn't it. For me it's scent that sometimes stirs a memory - if I smell sawdust I have a very vivid recollection of my Dad making stuff in the garage. Brains are weird....


ningloreth February 4 2021, 09:15:48 UTC
The way the sense of smell triggers memories is amazing. I believe they use it with Alzheimer's patients. Sawdust should remind me of my Dad, too, because I used to help him build things, but it actually reminds me of my pet hamsters -- and so does pine disinfectant! The smell of anti-bacterial wipes reminds me of Egypt!


gillo February 3 2021, 17:28:00 UTC
My brother adored Sweep. He had a knitted Sweep who stayed on the bus when my mother and brother got off, on the way home from taking me to school; my bro would have been three, and it was a terrible tragedy for days.


ningloreth February 4 2021, 09:17:18 UTC
Oh, your poor brother! Sweeps were obviously escape artists.


thismaz February 6 2021, 08:53:55 UTC
Goodness, yes. My sister and I did have those puppets. Didn't have the mattress, though *g*


ningloreth February 6 2021, 11:46:22 UTC
You missed out! It was sky blue with little images all over it, and I sort of remember the day I discovered them!


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