Apr 05, 2020 22:48

Can you believe it? Poor Pinky and Perky are living on borrowed time.

It's the kind of minor emergency I find very hard to deal with on my own -- something to do with having no one to bounce ideas off.

The water's only seeping out at the moment, but it's obviously not going to get any better, so last night I stuffed kitchen towel into the breach and went to bed thinking, "I have two and a half options. I can
  1. Order a new tank from Amazon (£100-ish for one the same size as the tank I have now, £200-£300 for a nice big one).
  2. See if my brother has a spare tank and can lend it to me (plus the half option: try to repair my own tank once it's empty)."
I phoned P1 this morning and he said, "No problem, but it's been in the loft for about eight years and it'll be very dusty." (He wasn't kidding!) He also said that repairing my tank will involve cutting away the old silicone, which is probably best left until after Lockdown because I'm likely to cut my own hand off there'll be two of us to tackle it.

He brought his tank down from the loft and put it outside for me to pick up. However, as he pointed out from a distance of about 12 feet when I collected it, it's very small -- maybe half the volume of mine, which is already (allegedly) too small for two strapping goldfish. He suggested I could leave the plants and toys out to maximise the space, but I think that would be a very boring way for Pinky and Perky to spend the next six months, especially since they seem to graze on the algae that grows on the 'plants'.

So... feeling very guilty, I've ordered the £100 tank from Amazon, which should arrive on Good Friday, and, in the meantime, I've given P1's tank a good clean so that it's ready, should there be a sudden Tsunami, for the fish to surf out of their own tank and into temporary accommodation.

lockdown, fishes

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