Sod's Law or Adventures in Northern Climes (with Computer Simulation)

Jun 15, 2019 12:54

I recently took a FutureLearn course called Radical Spirituality, about George Fox and the beginnings of Quakerism. In 1652, Fox, 'moved of the Lord', climbed up Pendle Hill, which, he said,

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pictures, road trip

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Comments 7

thismaz June 15 2019, 17:12:32 UTC
*g* Love your computer simulations.
You make it a fun story about a good day out, in spite of the weather.


ningloreth June 17 2019, 10:13:40 UTC
Do you think I could get a job in films?

It was a really fun day and we're planning another, to Grasmere, but this time I'm taking waterproofs.


kazzy_cee June 16 2019, 06:27:55 UTC
Lol! I love your travelogue.


ningloreth June 17 2019, 10:14:32 UTC
It was a fun day, despite the rain!


bunn June 17 2019, 12:48:32 UTC
I really did LOL at the endless rain! What could be more British than a picnic in the car while the rain pours down?

I'd never heard of Ulverston. I think of the Book Town as Hay on Wye, but then I did grow up in Wales...


ningloreth June 17 2019, 14:13:25 UTC
Ulverston's main claim to fame -- other than the Quakers -- is that it's the birthplace of Stan Laurel. But they haven't let their go to their heads :-)

I'd always thought of it as Hay on Wye, too, but, as you say, that's in Wales. Apparently, Sebergh decided to become a Book Town when Foot and Mouth wrecked its main source of income. But the bookshops are odd (I thought) -- they basically have old copies of books you'd find in any bookshop, whereas what I like about second hand bookshops is finding an obscure book you didn't know existed but that turns out to be exactly what you were looking for.


reetinkerbell August 26 2019, 17:28:04 UTC
It sounds like a wonderful excursion, despite the rain! And I loved the little "We ate our picnic in the car." You can really tell that you're a writer, when you retell a story like this.

Thanks also for sharing the photos and bringing us all along with you on your trip with P1. :)


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