Little M in his Santa Suit, Eowyn's new wardrobe, and why you should never take out your purse...

Feb 01, 2019 14:45

I should have posted these nearer Christmas: little M wearing his Santa Suit on Christmas Day and wondering a) why his hood's so big and b) why everybody's laughing at him.

Cut for pictures... )

eowyn, 100 questions, meme

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Comments 12

kazzy_cee February 1 2019, 15:18:43 UTC
You must have done that knitting on very fine needles. They look great.

Did you get my email about the date for writercon this year? I have the sister of a friend who is interested in joining us but can’t find the date we agreed.


ningloreth February 1 2019, 16:36:50 UTC
Yes, I replied straightaway. Hold on...

I've re-sent it, but the gist of what I said was:

I believe we agreed on the same weekend as last year, so that would be Friday 6th September to Sunday 8th September.

(We'll have to confirm the dates with the hotel, but there's more about that in the email. Let me know if you don't get it this time, & I'll PM you).

Yes, the needles are very fine. In fact, they're so fine, I broke one by accidentally sitting on it, and broke the tip off another just by knitting with it, but I managed to file it back to a smooth point with a nail file!


kazzy_cee February 1 2019, 17:10:01 UTC
That's odd, I don't have the email, but it might have gone into my spam folder!

Not to worry, she's not sure she can make the early part of September now *g*


ningloreth February 1 2019, 20:34:11 UTC
It's also possible my hosting company has lost it -- I know they're in the process of moving servers.

That's a shame. It's always nice to get some new people.


thismaz February 2 2019, 08:39:33 UTC
M does indeed look very cute.
I love the knitted dresses, especially the green and the blue ones. All those dresses are lovely, but those two are especially nice because they hang so well.
I know someone in Manchester who carries Mars bars and gives them to rough sleepers. There are a lot of rough sleepers in Manchester. Apparently Mars bars are always gratefully received.


ningloreth February 2 2019, 12:42:09 UTC
Mars bars is a brilliant idea! Thank you! It's generally on my walk back to Euston that I get approached, and I always have bits and pieces in a carrier bag, so it'll be easy to carry a few Mars bars. And, as you say, everybody loves Mars bars!


hobbituk February 3 2019, 01:08:48 UTC
When I was working, I used to regularly see two rough sleepers on my way to the car park. I used to stop off in greggs and get a couple of cups of hot chocolate and a couple of sandwiches to give to them. It's sad, but in a lot of cases money just gets spent on cheap booze, which nutritionally doesn't benefit them at all...


ningloreth February 3 2019, 12:00:04 UTC
That was a lovely thing to do.

Unfortunately, (apart from my Big Issue man) these people aren't there regularly, they just come up to me, so it's hard to be so well-prepared. (And I have to admit that {whispers} given how readily I turn to chocolate to get me through when things are bad, I do sort of think that if they need some booze...)


shapinglight February 3 2019, 17:24:24 UTC
I've no idea how it is that I've managed to miss every single post you've made in I don't know how long. So sorry.

The baby looks completely adorable.


reetinkerbell March 18 2019, 08:39:00 UTC
He is adorable!! And what lovely dresses you have made! I love that you are being so creative with these smaller projects, where you can see a lot of results "quickly" and also do a lot of different patterns in a short amount of time. At least I get tired of doing the same pattern over and over again!

"The city or the sea" does sound like Vancouver! No wonder you love it there. :D


ningloreth March 19 2019, 10:40:00 UTC
He does look cute, doesn't he? Since then, every time I've seen him he's been asleep but I'm told he's grown a lot :-)

Yes, small is beautiful from that point of view! (Though I'm making a dress with a petal-shaped hem at the moment and it's taking forever).

I'm going to Vancouver tomorrow! I'm in the panicking stage at the moment.

How are you?


reetinkerbell March 21 2019, 07:49:15 UTC
They do grow fast when they are so small. :) How old is he now?

I bet it does, but I am sure it will turn out beautifully. Is it your first petal hem?

Woho! I hope you have a fantastic time, as you usually do. :) Did you forget to pack anything? I like to pack minimally, but I always seem to pack too much anyway, you know, those "just in case" items that if necessary, I could buy at the location. :P

I am quite well! Just nervously waiting for my thesis to get passed so that I can continue on, or else I will have to do another semester of classes. I should get my result today! Excited and worried all at the same time!

I hope you had a good flight!


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