Merry Christmas!

Dec 24, 2018 10:52

Chocolate and cheese Advent Calendars, both empty...

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Comments 9

kazzy_cee December 24 2018, 15:18:00 UTC
Do you have to keep your cheese advent in the fridge? It sounds interesting.

Have a good one - although you started early with Christmas didn’t you :)


ningloreth December 24 2018, 19:57:20 UTC
Yes, you have to keep the cheese Advent Calendar in the fridge. I enjoyed it. Every day there was a little vacuum-packed cheese -- Applewood, Edam, Cheddar, Wensleydale with Cranberries, Red Leicester, and, just for today, Wensleydale with Gingerbread! Plus some amazingly corny cheese jokes.

And you!

(Yes, this is my second, which is a really weird feeling ;-)


brutti_ma_buoni December 24 2018, 22:08:47 UTC
Heh. I love logical small-you working out a whole new theory of Father Christmas on the available evidence.


ningloreth December 27 2018, 10:14:11 UTC
It's me in a nutshell, really. I can see it's a silly idea but I trust what I'm being told & find a way to make it work ;-)


thismaz December 25 2018, 10:09:20 UTC
Merry Christmas!

I love the idea of multiple Father Christmases, each with his own beat, like the postman.


ningloreth December 27 2018, 10:14:58 UTC
Hope you had a good one!

It would make the task a lot easier!


reetinkerbell December 26 2018, 18:05:22 UTC
A cheese one? Was it good?

My answer to question four would've been something smart about us Swedes celebrating on the 24th, so if I left something for Santa that evening he wouldn't get it... :P

Happy Holidays!


ningloreth December 27 2018, 10:16:35 UTC
The cheese one was brilliant!

Swedes celebrating on the 24th

How does that work? Does Santa come the night before?

Hope you had a good Christmas, whichever day!


reetinkerbell December 27 2018, 13:43:08 UTC
Yeah! A lot of European countries celebrate on the 24th; ok, maybe "a lot" is pushing it, but it's not totally unheard of (Poland celebrate on the 24th apparently!). Which is why I have always been annoyed with US Christmas movies that show Santa delivering all the presents on the night between the 24th and the 25th, because the writers have obviously not done their homework!

I did, thank you. This year we started celebrating on the 23rd, as my mother was going away. So we celebrated on the 23rd with everyone at her place and then on the 24th at my sister's. Some years we celebrate on the 24th and 25th or just the 25th, depending on when my older sister has her children, as she co-parents and they alternate years. And if I visit my oldest sister close to Christmas, that's like another celebration too; if I visit closer to New Years (as I will this year) then we don't really count it as such, mostly because all the Christmas food is gone! :P


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