Well why would it work? And some birds.

Sep 29, 2018 14:20

Sod's law: having decided to make the effort to post here more, I discovered that I -- and at least some of my f-list -- couldn't see the pictures I was posting, or only see them intermittently. In recent posts, I solved the problem by using LJ Scrapbook to host the pictures, but that didn't fix my earlier posts ( Read more... )

100 questions, meme, vancouver, icons

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Comments 13

curiouswombat September 29 2018, 14:41:05 UTC
Well those pictures all seem to have worked!

I love the slippers - mine are felt, too, but by M&S and so much less interesting.

I do have a Facebook account - I gave in and joined when my niece got married four years ago. My FB has lasted longer than the marriage... But I rarely put anything of interest there, to be honest.

My grandfather used to treat me the way your dad did you - I was regarded as assistant in chief from the age of about six :)


ningloreth September 29 2018, 22:41:00 UTC
I love my slippers!

It was a different world, wasn't it -- kids were free labour! And, apparently, when my grandad was a boy, his dad had him cleaning out the drains, and let him smoke a cigar to counteract the smell!

It's very sad to think that something like a FB account can last longer than a marriage.


kazzy_cee September 29 2018, 15:56:10 UTC
You mustn’t kill house spiders they will get rid of all the other nasties in the house :)

I love your shoes.

I’ve been out this morning learning about birds of prey and getting up close and personal with them.


hobbituk September 29 2018, 20:37:17 UTC
Spiders are pretty much doomed in my house too... I wouldn't touch one in the garden - their territory. But the house is mine! I actually slept in the spare room one night last week as the big spider on my bedroom ceiling vanished when I went to get the vacuum cleaner to suck it up. Who could sleep in a room where it was roaming around????


ningloreth September 29 2018, 22:24:32 UTC
I sympathise -- I slept in my car! It was when I was living on the boat. I heard it moving, and saw its legs spill in slow motion over the edge of a shelf, and I grabbed my duvet and the teddies, and fled to the car.

Like you, I'm quite happy to let them have the garden!


ningloreth September 29 2018, 22:28:28 UTC
...they will get rid of all the other nasties...

People say that, but I have no evidence for it, LOL.

I noticed that you'd posted about it. My brother bought my sister-in-law a bird of prey experience for her birthday and I know they had a great time.


bunn September 29 2018, 21:39:58 UTC
Those icons look DELICIOUS!!! I want to eat them all.

And those are gorgeous slippers, too.

I just bookmarked Futurelearn. I do have facebook & twitter, but this looks a lot more constructive.


ningloreth September 29 2018, 22:17:48 UTC
I love my slippers ( ... )


reetinkerbell September 30 2018, 19:31:10 UTC
Lots of lovely and colourful birds!!

So yes, I can now see your photos, which is wonderful. I love the icons you made (and I love that there is a community for food icons!).

Also, I am going to Krakow next week! Anything I absolutely have to do/should miss out on?? I am only going to have two full days, but will arrive fairly early on Tuesday so I count it as three days (leave early on Friday).


ningloreth September 30 2018, 23:35:44 UTC
Oh, wow! Well...

At the centre of Krakow there's the big Main Square, the Rynek Glowny, with lots of shops and cafes, and the Cloth Hall in the centre, which has tourist shops and stalls on the ground floor (where I get my slippers ;-) and a museum of Mediaeval Krakow underneath, and an art gallery on the upper floors. There are also horse drawn carriages for hire, but they're very expensive. The main thing is that every hour, on the hour, a trumpeter plays the hejnal from one of the towers of the Mariacki -- so you must hear that!

Then there's the Wawel, which is a fortified complex with a castle and a cathedral. I'm not sure how much you can see without paying, but you can walk around the outside of the walls and along the river bank, where there's a big bronze sculpture of a dragon that breathes fire the moment you've given up waiting! (Mediaeval Krakow had its own dragon, apparently).

I would go to the Bunkier café, which is a good place to get a light meal and a drink and use the free WiFi; it's usually full of students and ( ... )


reetinkerbell October 5 2018, 09:56:23 UTC
Wow!! Thank you. :) I really appreciate it!

I also wanted to ask about cash vs. card. I have read some conflicting advice on this, but maybe that is because it was geared more towards Americans who might not necessarily have the chip European cards usually have, and that might cause issues when trying to use a card? But what is your advice; I am going to bring some cash regardless, because I like to use cash when I am an travelling, but should I get pretty much all of it in cash (except for my larger purchases) or should I do a mix?

I am getting really excited about the trip now! I haven't had too much time to do research about what I want to do, beyond a quick look-through to see what things might cost to help me determine a budget, so this helps a lot! <3


ningloreth October 5 2018, 12:21:23 UTC
I always use cash -- I take sterling and change it there. One of the streets near the centre has a whole row of places to change money (Kantor) and my sister-in-law always checks to see who's offering the best rate. I can't remember the name of the street, but Google seems to be saying it's called Slawkowska. I've messaged my brother to check if that's right and will let you know ( ... )


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