cupid is a lurid and ugly meatball (actually a FUNGUS)

Feb 15, 2006 00:01

at least the one we have in the bar is. hehehe. no way. you know, i thought about going to the bar even in these *sicky* conditions, just to write a note to someone (to the B-guy, something funny like "I fancy you muchly :-)" but then i changed my mind. that would not have been the only note.

"dear cupid, please do me a favor - take the arrow and stick it up your ass. lets see how much you will enjoy pulling it out. oh yes dear, i am sure you will :-P"

nope. i wont do that. i will go to sleep rather than wasting my time on poor little lurid creature like our poor little lurid cupid.
oh poor baby, your arrow fell down.. maybe its a usual thing :-P

ok. see the time now. the torture is officially over. i was sick for the entire day and im happy about the fact that i didnt have to go thru any of that anti/pro/valentines shit.
honestly, it is the lamest thing for me, and it doesnt make whether i am with someone or not. why. because its simply a commercialized thing, like halloween for example. if youre in love, youre in love 24/7/365, and not only on the damn 14/02. whatever.


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