It occured to me I should put this here for those that don't read the Tammy Community.

Jun 06, 2007 13:57

I am normally not a self promoter. But I've recently redocrated my bedroom, and the mantle could use some statues.

Hullo, I'm the Doctor. Now, I know what you're saying: "Great, another one of those Doctor blokes, come to tell us to vote for him."


In case you think you'd like to put in your vote for this particular brand of ninth Doctor, here's a handy voting guide so you know you're not wasting your time.

Section 1
Best Abs, Male - ninewho
Best Legs, Male - ninewho
Hottest Alien, Male -ninewho

Section 2
Best Sexual Skills, Male - ninewho
Best Equipment, Male - ninewho
Muse Your Most Want to Spank You, Male - ninewho
Best Sexual Threesome - ninewho/decadentmind/rude_not_ginger
Hottest Sex Thread -
Favorite Alien - ninewho

Section 4
Favorite Threesome - ninewho/decadentmind/rude_not_ginger

Section Five
Best Writing of a Canon Muse - ninewho
Saddest Prompt -

Because, without them, I wouldn't be here:
Favorite Large RP Community - relativespace
Favorite Small Roleplay Community - nottheend
Favorite Canon Community - relativespace
Favorite Offshoot/Fen Community - nottheend

And, on a related note:
Best Icon Maker - ghost_icons

'Cause she writes me.

And please also consider my friends and family and other selves in the categories for which they are nominated: ambitious_woman, decadentmind, doctorsplusone, rude_not_ginger, mjnorton, timesvigilante, of_traken, the_cricketeer, doctormjones, notquiteadoctor, biege_doc, eleventh_doctor, and, of course, ninth_doctor.

I realize I'm up for a lot of the same stuff as my inexplicably more popular future self (honestly, he's a bit rude). If you're feeling conflicted about where to cast your vote, don't. Any vote for a Doctor is a vote for me. Cheers.

((OOC: I'd just like to say a huge thanks to everyone who nominated me and my ninth Doctor for everything. Not that I had much to do with his hot legs, mind, but it's nice to know people are reading him and enjoying him. And a huge thanks for the best writing nomination. It means a lot. And, finally, so many thanks to the people who nominated relativespace, which I started last fall in the hopes of attracting some great Whoniverse RP, and I have totally not been disappointed. Seriously, those players are fantastic.))

[verse] multiple, tammys

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