(Same disclaimers apply: this is all in fun, all in meta, and I think everyone who's been nominated - or not nominated - is awesome. Nine just has his own opinions.)
Please note the icon I use in this entry. If that's not a nibble worthy neck, I don't know what is. Not that I'm the slightest bit bitter or attached to that particular category. I'm not.
Moving on. I'm not exactly sure how Donna (
notsomerrywidow) got nominated for both kinkiest freak and most sexually vanilla, but I've never claimed to understand human sexuality. From what I do know, your safe bet is kinkiest freak.
Trust me.
I've been hearing things about this
takezo_kensei bloke, and given the categories he's nominated in, I imagine they're all true. I'm sure I mean that in a good way, so I won't lock you in a room with Donna if you vote for him. Still, for best sexual skills, well. Ask Donna.
Trust me.
The same goes for best equipment. I have it. I'm the Doctor, after all. And as the only Doctor nominated in that category, it's only right to vote for me.
I am most certainly not the biggest slut, in any body, so don't vote for
rude_not_ginger, because you'll make me cranky. I only have meaningful sex, and I'm sure my other selves are exactly the same way. Right?
Martha (
notquiteadoctor) is probably in need of a good lay, but I try not to get involved in the sex lives of my companions. Unless I am the sex life of my companion, which was [sadly] not the case with Martha.
As far as couples go, Donna and I are definitely sexually hot, but I'd understand if you're misguided and choose the other me and Reinette. Like I said when this all happened last year, a vote for the Doctor is a vote I could get behind. Not literally behind, as you'll notice that I, at least, am not nominated for kinkiest freak. But behind in spirit. However, if you vote for my future self and the Master (
timesignature) for anything that promotes a relationship between the two of them, not only will I lock you in a room with Donna, but I'll follow it up by locking you in a room with Roberts!Master. Not only does he chew scenery, but people also. And not in the good way that I hear Jack (
onlysayinghello) does.
It disturbs me that there's a version of me in a threesome with Byron and the Rani, but I remember when I used to be in a threesome with the Rani and myself, and I can tell you that it's probably a very sexually awesome threesome. So feel free to vote for
thecricketer, and
Other names to look out for in this section:
only_fell, because if Reinette wants to spend time with her, she must be worth it, and
eternityticking. I hear he eats brains. I don't know that that makes him the biggest slut, but I suppose if he eats brains on the first date, and doesn't care whose brain he eats, he could qualify.