realmofthemuse; 1.84 Mun Prompt

Nov 21, 2007 23:41

Write a letter to your muse. Tell them all of the reasons that you are thankful that they are yours. Give them some advice/suggestions for things that you want them to do. Be firm, but show love. Remind them who is in charge.

(Note: This gets a bit reverent. I blame the late hour and "Time Crash". David Tennant got his sappy speech to his Doctor, I wanted one to mine.)

Dear Doctor,

Thank you for being my Doctor. Not my first (that goes to ten minutes of the seventh, followed by ten minutes of his corpse, followed by the eighth) but the one that I saw enough of myself in to really give the show a go. I'm in this fandom because of you, and because when you told Rose you felt the Earth turning, I could feel it too.

Thank you for letting me experience that love of the universe that you have, even though it's mixed with sadness. Thank you for opening the door on adventures that are out of my world and beyond my reach.

Thank you for Rose Tyler (and Donna Noble and Martha Jones, in your RP 'verses).

Thank you for being a darker Doctor for a darker world, but managing to grin just as wide when times are bad as when they're good.

I don't have any advice that you don't already know. You're the Doctor. You may be my muse, but you're the Doctor first. And that means you're a little bit my hero. That means that I believe in you. So go forward in your beliefs and prove to me that I'm not mistaken in mine.

Thank you, Doctor, for making things fantastic.


[community] rotm/tbs, mun prompt

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