Things to watch that aren't usually there

Mar 27, 2020 10:49

Though first, a low hoisting of the black and yellow flag. I can't say for definite that I have a mild dose of coronavirus rather than adenovirus, and of course there is zero prospect of testing. But someone has to be in the lucky group of mild symptoms sufficient to suspect you've had it, not sufficient to be worrying, and it looks like it could be me. I know that I have been exposed at work and the incubation period is right. I've got minor symptoms only, but most significant is the striking loss of sense of smell and taste despite having no congestion, and it looks like there's some evidence that this is happening in people with mild or even otherwise asymptomatic coronavirus - UK professional ENT surgeons society on the subject. Also crucially, I noticed this first thing on Monday before I knew it was a possible symptom :-) Well there will be no definite answer unless one day we all get a test for the immune response (or in a fortnight's time I get a horrendous cough and pneumonia), but in the meantime I'd be off work regardless and am resting and of course isolating.

Whoever manages to be up to date with everything that they might watch on TV/the internet? I certainly don't. And coronavirus is only making it worse, because a whole rack of art and media companies are making material available for free online. So here's a few I'll be availing myself of. I can access all of these in the UK, but some may not be available outside it.

Norway's state media 24 hour Maine Coon kitten cam: Talk about lifting the national mood! You can stream cats all day and night. (During the day there seems to be great Norwegian sports highlights* at the weekend, radio in the week, but you can click on "Alltid katt")

Previously mentioned in this space, Opera North's amazing semi-staged Ring Cycle was my introduction to Wagner:

The National Theatre will be streaming a play a week starting on 2nd April with One Man, Two Guv'nors, which I'm especially delighted about because I missed it in the theatre, and then in the cinema twice (last time in September - I had a ticket, but was ill...) I'm also looking forward to Twelfth Night at the end of April.

OperaVision is an existing programme of free opera from mostly European opera houses. Everything from Glyndebourne to modern Icelandic/Danish opera (no, I haven't watch that one yet)@

There's an awful lot on iPlayer: I suppose it is time for me to watch Fleabag. Meanwhile I might revist the 90s with channel 4 vampire series Ultraviolet: and Leeds set legal drama North Square starring a youthful Rupert Penry-Jones and Helen McCrory.

*Insert obvious joke here.

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opera, coronavirus, health, real life, television

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