A Lady High and Valiant by
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R.TolkienRating: G, CNTW
Chapters: 1
Length: 1316 words
Summary: And Éomer kissed his sister and saw that though she wept, yet it was but the weeping of grief for one who had been as a father to them, and though her shield-arm lay still in a linen sling, her face showed a woman hale and full of hope. Éowyn and Éomer meet again in Minas Tirith after the crowning of the King.
The main lesson of this fic is that I should have done a keyboard shortcut for É when I started writing...
Still at home feeling rubbish. I did actually get dressed for work today, as I am supposed to be on a training course, but I felt too horrendous to actually leave the house and went back to bed.
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