I have committed further Yuri on Ice fic. Sorry, normal service will be resumed, I promised, and in the meantime there will be no soulmates AU.*
(1) A second chapter for
In the Studio, with TV commentators Megan and John (and a techs chorus) at the Grand Prix Final.
(2) Yakov POV with teenage Victor
A Coach's Lot. In which Yakov considers that part of his duties as a coach includes giving the professional equivalent of The Talk to young skaters heading off to international competition, in the hope that they won't do anything too stupid.**
I head north tomorrow for Christmas. Naturally I have not finished packing. When planning my break I did it with the intention of maximising the time spent with my family, and I'm really looking forward to that. At the same time, I think I probably ought to have given myself an extra day to sort myself out first, especially as I come back on the 2nd and am in the office on the 3rd. Still, I have nearly 6 hours on the train to relax...
* Famous last words.
** I want more Yakov fic. He's obviously very fond of Victor, does well by his skaters, and post-episode 10 his reasons for his immense cheesed-off-ness with Victor earlier in the series have become clear... Actually, I think what I want is comedy Yakov divorce fic, as witnessed by teenage Victor.
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