Lost Wagers

Dec 18, 2007 00:25

Never bet with a soldier for a drink in an establishment of his choosing. Also, never do this when you are a noblewoman. Truly, I must have lost my senses but there was salvation. Two friends kind enough to sequester me away behind a curtain to speak. Though it would seem I'm to be a tutor in another arena. Perhaps I should have said no, but  my mind was distracted and I must have agreed along the way.

Though one word finds amusement with me now. Possibly I shall seek out the prince as he said and inquire on the matter. But the feels a jest to the words and making a fool of myself comes too easily at times. At least we were able to get past that moment of my own stupidity again. Bold questions better left to silken tongues. Not that of a soldier. We speak too plainly and stomp where one should dance.

My wearied mind, too many riddles that even I soon find confusing. At least he was able to get what he wished for. Such beauty sparkles in a spirit revived.


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