Nov 07, 2005 09:51
There's a blog online that is kind of a communal blog that some 2Ls at brooklyn write in. The url is
anyway, once of the kids wrote this recently and I thought it was frickin hysterical:
"dungeons & dragons... by far the nerdiest game i've ever played, but back in middle school, it was a lot of fun.
as you probably know, "D&D" was a role-playing game that basically required a bunch of books that cost way too much money for any 10 year old kid, a few friends, and a variety of freaky four-, ten-, twelve- and twenty-sided dice. more or less how the game worked was that each guy would roll the ten-sided dice, and whatever number came up, that was how many years he'd have to wait before he got to kiss a girl.
no, seriously, the way it worked was that one friend (usually the oldest / dorkiest guy in the neighborhood) would be called the "dungeon master," and he would create an adventure that the rest of the boys would play out in their imaginations. pretty cool, right?
i'd assume that if these role-playing games still exist, they're all on computer now. but as dorky as it sounds, i'm going to stick by my guns, and maintain that D&D was a helluva fun game. my character's name was Ace. he was a level 14 ranger with over 200 hit points and a vorpal blade. don't even try fucking with that, or i'll roll some dodechahedral dice up your ass."