Yesterday, after a long drudgerous day of administrative tasks I rode the 2 line all the way to the gates of Columbia at 116th and Broadway to meet, for the first time in person,
followyourfish, photographer extraordinaire. See, I needed some good headshots that I could attach to these job applications and knowing of his incredible skillz I solicited his aid. Now I am actually a pretty shy person, although I don't think its obvious. And certain things make me shyer- like a) people I've never met before b) cameras c) strange places. So I may not have been as relaxed or natural as I usually am, but
followyourfish, to his credit, was relaxed and in his element, funny and charming and it was a pleasure to finally meet him. It is very clear from the get-go how much he loves taking pictures. Anyway, I can't wait to see the final product- I hope they came out well.
It was weird being up at Columbia again, a little bittersweet. I very close to almost went there for law school but couldn't make things work. And then while I was in the ladies room I ran into a girl from Brooklyn who had transferred. Now I know that I have a lot of great friends here and I never would've met P if I didn't stay at Brooklyn, but I definitely felt a pang of regret. The campus is beautiful, and very communal. I love Brooklyn much more than any part of Manhatten or the Bronx but it is hard to argue with ornate metal work and beautiful light at magic hour.
After our impromptu photoshoot I went down to see
ziffyeatsbabies and JW Schiff's new apartment. It was really nice to see them both (and their roommate Loren).
ziffyeatsbabies was engrossed in the hockey game and JW Schiff engrossed in his girlfriend so it was a little distracted but it was nice just to walk into a room and get some good hugs. In the meantime, I have to make more plans with Ziff cause I want to keep his sanity in check- which if I'm the one doing it means he's seriously in trouble.
In the conclusion of the phone trauma, I received an email last night telling me the company was processing the reshipment like a return and credit and when I tried to call last night they were not open. So I called this morning at which point some guy told me that they already processed it and I would've had to have called last night to stop the return from being processed. He then put me on hold for 10 minutes and finally disconnected me. I called back and asked to be transferred to a supervisor and some poor guy who didn't obey my wishes at that second ended up stuck on the phone with me while I bawled about how much the company sucked and how much I hated them and how miserable they were making my life. He seemed mildly competent however, and it currently has been promised to me that I will have a phone again either monday or tuesday next week.
As for the legal-lawschool-work aspect of our lives- in case anyone is curious. Paul took the bar exam and we won't find out if he passed until November. But EMI & Virgin records offered him a position in their in-house counsel department and he is working there. He's very happy- we get lots of free CDs and put on the list at the door of every trendy club that has a Virgin artist playing that night. I am still working p/t at the same firm- a plaintiffs side labor and employment. I may end up there after school but I'm still looking just to keep all my options open.
That's all for now.