Apr 03, 2011 23:20

I just removed a bunch of icon journals from my f-list because they make me want more icon space and that's silly. I hate how the icon extensions are so huge, when I could do with maybe more like five more, but maybe I should be happy that's not available cause dropping money on icons would be ridiculous for me to do.

I started watching Southland from the start. I'm quite enjoying it but sucking at learning any of the characters' names, except for Ben's (because that's the actor's real name and it's easy to remember). But basically I like cops but I usually hate procedurals so it is a good show for me to watch :) I dropped off at the end of the second season and Shep says I will probably love S3 and he is probably right.

Spoilerific commentary on other shows, some pretty brief, some not so brief:

The last SPN episode was pretty creepy, really fun, and really sad (and also like a month ago, LOL). Rufus has seriously become one of my favorite characters on the show, and I'm going to be in serious denial for a while, but it was so much fun watching Team Winchester + Team "I Don't Know That Dick" kicking ass together. And Rufus flask-nipping his way through the ubiquitous headache of Winchester Angst was something you'd barely notice but was really hilarious.

I haven't said anything in here about my reaction to the new gen of Skins, and I don't even know where the fuck to start.

- I really loved Franky in the first episode but I have to admit I'm starting to share people's annoyance with her just being thrown into all this Matty drama in lieu of actual characterization (at least that was most of what she was used for in the middle of the season). I still love a lot of tiny little things about her, though. She has a really cute dynamic with Rich and Alo and often proves she's capable of having a sense of humor about how ridiculous some of her friends are that makes it seem a bit less like she's just letting Mini step on her because she's desperate to fit in.

-Lord, this fandom really hates Matty. On one end, I can totally see why you would just not give a damn about him, I mean, in some ways he's this season's Effy minus the familiarity of knowing him from a previous season. Personally I don't have any problem seeing him as a regular dude, but I could also see how other people would feel like he's enshrouded in too much sparkly bullshit to feel like a real character, and what with him and Franky's very undeveloped thing I think Twilight has made people very allergic to that kind of romance, etc. I just don't get why the same fandom that is all up over Mini and Nick hates Matty and talks like he's this huge dick, when he's been a relatively honest person.
I still don't know that I'm all that interested in shipping Matty with anyone really. I actually thought that hug at the end of the finale was really fucking sweet and I'm really okay with the Franky/Matty thing if they're going in an asexual romantic direction because that would be really new for the show; otherwise IDEK.

-I don't like Mini as a person, but fuck, I love her as a character. From the beginning I could see why people were shipping Franky/Mini and was neither for or against it but did kind of think making it an unrequited thing would be a kind of angst I could get behind...And they may still be going in that direction, really, but I wasn't expecting this totally adorable girl-crush to happen. LOL, was I the only person thinking that Mini was donning suspenders in the beginning of the finale because they might have reminded her of Franky? And Liv pointing out that her crush was so blatant was so awesome XD
Which, you know, kind of leads into the fact that I've shipped the fuck out of Liv/Mini since Mini's episode. Oops. There's this tasty mix of Fo Yay that's kind of inherent with Mini/anyone but also a genuine caring friendship there with a history that seems to go back pretty far. The politics of the relationship are really interesting to me, because Liv doesn't seem like the type of person who can be talked into doing something she doesn't want to do, and in a weird way it seems like she lets Mini be queen bee just cause she knows that she needs that. I thought Liv seemed like kind of a pushover in Franky's ep but once we got to know her later on that complication made me really, really like her.

Man, Alo's episode was really damn frustrating. I don't think his mom is really redeemable. (The dog?!?! And I could go and on about the b.s. hypocrisy when parents want you be an adult but still consider all of your stuff to be their stuff...That ain't right.) But Alo obviously has such a big heart (Did anybody notice that he actually does put on a smile and thank his mom for his birthday gift even though it's kinda the shittiest birthday gift imaginable?) He really has a lot of affection for his parents which is rare to see from these kids. (Ahah, as much as Rich and/or Alo's offensive use of the word "gay" kind of bothers me, I couldn't help laughing my ass off when Rich said he was gay for his parents, cause it felt so completely affectionate and tongue-in-cheek of him.)
Also, it is always epic when Mini calls Alo "Farm Boy."

-And, um, Nick, I really hated him SO MUCH in Mini's episode, but...I was at this point where I knew I was going to have a hard time hating him forever, and then there was that part when that asshole shoves Franky and Nick was the first guy to get up at him about it and I was like "I LOVE NIIICCK." And pretty much any scene with him and Matty just makes me like both of them more. He was funny and endearing through the entire damn finale, even if he wasn't contributing much to the plot at that point. Hah.


I was not prepared for the show to pretty much never stop being funny, and every single character is THE SHIT. I am never not excited to find out what's going on with each and every one of them and there are like no other shows I can say that about. If I had to pick a favorite it would be Kelly, because...

I mean, do I even have to explain? She's a total BAMF with a heart of gold, she's protective and perceptive (even without the mind-reading, I presume) with people around her, and she can be genuinely sweet and you just want to reach in and pull her out of the screen and be her BFF. Shit, everything you need to know about her is in the fact that she got arrested by getting into a fight with somebody because she was trying to tell her that her boyfriend is a dickbag, not because she actually hated the girl.

I gotta say, it was kind of hard to miss out on the existence of Simon/Alisha when everyone on Tumblr was freaking out about it for a while, and throughout the entire first season I was kinda like "WTF I am never gonna ship this, they haven't even spoken to each other." I had no clue about the whole time traveling thing, though, and when that whole thing came up in S2 I really liked it.

(The thing is, I had this whole idea about it made up in my head where I thought that future-Simon and Alisha were never actually together but she would end up hooking up with him just because he was literally the only person who could touch her, and that it would kinda gradually go from this intimate non-romantic thing to her actually starting to fall in love with him. Which is still an idea I really like and would love to read a fic of or something but is not what happened.)

I guess people have issues with the pairing because "Simon had to change for her to love him" or whatever, but come on, there's nothing wrong with helping the guy become more confident. And the whole mindfuckery of the paradox of it is kind of cool, because she needed Simon to love her first but supposedly wasn't attracted to him until he got confidence which he got because she fell in love with him and WHAT WHAT WHAT. I like it because it's overcoming a barrier that makes a lot of people in real life unable to get with each other when they could possibly be happy together, which there really isn't a fix for.

I did also adore Alisha/Curtis, but I love them about as much as exes that still care a lot about each other. I love that they end up working at the same bar for some reason <3

But aww, why did Nikki have to dieee?!? D: D:

The music is fucking epically used in this show too. Jesus, I could go on and on.

But UGH, you guys, there are already talks about there being a fucking US remake of this show. I want people to say "What the fuck is Misfits?" when I mention it as one of my favorite shows, not, "You mean that shit on MTV?"

In other news, I'm really, really pissed that LCD Soundsystem is no more. Honestly at this point I should just resign myself to the fact that I'm never going to see a dance artist I really love before I die. Fuck.

skins, misfits, tv

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